For the second time this month, Monroe City Council tabled a tax abatement decision for a proposed $33 million development.
Council is considering a 50 percent abatement on real property investment over a 10-year period forPrologis, which is developing a $33 million Bed, Bath and Beyond e-commerce center that will be located on 62 acres off Salzman Road across from the Kohl’s Distribution Center.
The city and developer are still in negotiations, and city officials are waiting for information from the Monroe school district.
The school district does not have to approve the abatement, according to Jennifer Patterson, assistant to the city manager. However, city officials value the school district as a development partner, she said, and they try to keep them informed throughout the process.
Construction is anticipated to begin in early July with construction to be completed in early winter 2019. Once completed, there will be about 900 full-time equivalent jobs created at the 827,080 square-foot facility, according to an application submitted by Prologis.
Brooke Lindholm of the Kleingers Group, on behalf of Prologis, submitted a site plan application for the project, which was approved at last week’s city Planning Commission meeting, according to city Development Director Kevin Chesar. He said Prologis has anticipated an early winter 2019 construction completion date.
“(The) Development staff has worked cooperatively with the developer to ensure that the proposed location meets site planning standards and we look forward in assisting them through the upcoming construction phase,” Chesar said in an email.
Last September, the $1.81 million Salzman Road extension was completed linking Ohio 63 with Todhunter Road and Yankee Road in Middletown.
On Tuesday, Opus Group and Founders Properties began work on a new 612,730 square-foot distribution center near the corner of Todhunter and Yankee roads in Middletown, an investment of $16 million to $21 million and expects to have about 150 employees.
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