Most Popular Digital Marketing Jobs – The Realtime Report

  • UX Designer roles have risen in popularity; online interest peaked in January 2019
  • Data Analyst is currently the most popular – most searched for – job in digital marketing
  • PPC Manager roles have fallen in popularity; online interest has steadily declined since 2007
  • Interest in Content Manager, PPC Manager and CRO Manager roles in decline, per Google trends
  • Head of Ecommerce, Digital Product Owner and CRO Manager among the least ‘searched for’ jobs

Interested in exploring the job roles manipulated by digital transformation, digital marketing company conducted research to identify the most popular – most searched for – digital marketing jobs in the UK.

To achieve this, inserted a range of digital marketing job roles, such as Data Analyst, Content Manager and Head of Ecommerce, into the keyword analytics section of online visibility and marketing tool SEM Rush.

Every keyword variation attributed to each job role was then pulled, affording the opportunity to calculate exactly how many people are searching for, and expressing interest in, different roles.

Taking Data Analyst as an example, keyword variations like “data analyst jobs”, “data analyst salary” and “how to become data analyst UK” were added together to create the final monthly search volume total.

The found Data Analyst is currently the most popular – most searched for – job in digital marketing, with 9,540 individual online searches per month.

Other popular roles include Social Media Manager (7,560), UX Designer (2,500) and Digital Marketing Manager, with no less than 2,170 individual online searches per month.

Interestingly, although search results for Content Manager remain high (2,090), the role is beginning to dip in popularity. Per Google trends, after reaching its popularity peak in August 2004 (a value of 100), interest in ‘Content Manager’ has fallen to a value of 38 (July 2019) meaning it is under half as popular as it once was.

Comparably, digital marketing roles of less interest include, Head of Ecommerce (400), Digital Product Owner (310) and CRO Manager, with just 170 inquisitive individual online searches per month.

To extend on their research, also took time to compare their findings with Google trends, to find out if voluminous online searches correlate with what is rising and falling in popularity across the UK.

The digital marketing jobs rising in popularity are:

  1. Data Analyst
  2. UX Designer
  3. Influencer Marketing
  4. Digital Product Owner identified one of the most remarkable rises in online interest for digital marketing roles belongs to the role of UX Designer, as seen below in a snippet taken from Google trends. Since 2008, we can see the role has steadily increased in popularity before reaching its highest recorded peak (so far) in January 2019.

Commenting on the rise, Oliver Sissons, SEO Manager at, writes:

“UX design is something more and more businesses are taking note of, both small and large. With access to more information than ever before, business owners are becoming better educated on what it takes to find success online and a huge part of this is ensuring that customers not only manage to but enjoy, using their websites. This is perhaps one reason why UX design is seeing such growth.”

The digital marketing jobs falling in popularity are:

  1. Content Manager
  2. PPC Manager
  3. CRO Manager identified one of the most remarkable falls in online interest for digital marketing roles belongs to the role of PPC Manager, as seen below in a snippet taken from Google trends. Since 2007, we can see the role has steadily decreased in popularity before reaching a low point in 2012.Commenting on the fall, Abby Chinery, Content Manager at, writes:

“As more and more importance is placed on genuine and useful content, by both searchers and Google alike, paying to get to the top doesn’t always mean users will connect with your content, or convert. It is also difficult for smaller businesses to invest in PPC roles as campaigns are expensive and the effects are not as long lasting as their SEO counterparts. For certain keywords, the cost per click (CPC) is almost unaffordable, meaning they have to rely on other methods to rank highly in Google.”

Posted with permission from Reboot

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