MultiBrief: 5 fresh ways to beat consumer decision fatigue in your social media and digital marketing

As a business owner or marketer, you’ve probably thought that the causes of decision fatigue which could stop a consumer from paying attention to your brand messages online are completely out of your control, right? Think again. Decision fatigue has everything to do with the specifics of your customers’ lives at any given moment, and nothing to do with the quality of your brand and product.

In fact, a new study from the University of Birmingham finds that the root of decision fatigue is physical and ebbs and flows — the more tired you are in the moment, the less likely you are to want to work at anything, including making choices.

So, when you understand why and when consumers are likely to choose what you have to give them, you can tailor your digital and social media marketing accordingly, and your sales will soar. Sound good? Try these science-driven strategies to make it happen.

Post medical marketing materials early in the morning.

A fascinating study from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the Wharton School and Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Penn Medicine and Crescenz Veterans Affairs Medical Center found that, in real time in primary care physicians’ offices, recommendation rates for cancer screenings drop in the afternoon, as decision fatigue takes hold for the doctor and conceivably, for the patient as well. This can be due to physical tiredness, mental overload, or multitasking.

If you want to be most effective in terms of marketing important medical products and services, post your ads in the 8 a.m. hour so your target audience is the most clear and alert, and can evaluate your offerings most positively.

Change ads frequently throughout the day.

A Lancaster University study from researcher Tom Wilcockson found that most people do 15-second smartphone checks unconsciously many times throughout their days — they go, essentially on attention autopilot through this repetition. Interestingly, though, a follow-up study by Wilcockson found that when people take a 24-hour break from their phones, their moods remain stable.

What that means for your marketing approach: You need to switch up what you show them to jolt them to attention, in a good way. Yet don’t change your overall marketing message — even if consumers don’t look at your ads for a day or so, their basic interest should remain the same. Your winning strategy: Always prep multiple ads within your campaigns, and revolve them multiple times a day, rather than running one ad for a period of days or weeks before switching up.

Gauge your audience’s ethics.

Consumers never want to feel they have been fooled. In terms of your strategy, always be sure your marketing is scrupulously honest and accurate.

Know, too, that timing can work further in your favor here — if you have a competitor who isn’t so honest and accurate, posting a morning ad can help you get a “goodness jump” on reaching your demo.

Keep your message clean.

Simple, straightforward language your consumers can easily interpret stops them from having to guess what you mean, then guess if they got your message right.

Survey, survey, survey.

Ask your audience how exactly they chose to use your product. The more you understand how the wheels turn in the specifics of their decision-making processes, the easier and clearer you can facilitate their choices — it’s a win-win!

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