The National Association of Mortgage Brokers Roomvu to provide mortgage brokers with marketing tools. The new partnership will make digital marketing easier for NAMB members to market their services with automation tools to create content and distribute newsletters, the association said. “This partnership represents a significant milestone in our mission to empower professionals with tools that drive success and market leadership,” Sam Mehrbod, CEO of Roomvu, said in a statement. “We’re committed to delivering exceptional value to NAMB members, enhancing their digital marketing capabilities, and contributing to the industry’s overall growth and success.” With the partnership, NAMB members will receive a 20% discount on Roomvu services. “Their innovative marketing technology is easy to use and is proven to move the needle in our industry. NAMB members and the entire industry will benefit from using their solutions,” NAMB President Valerie Saunders said in a news release. Effective digital marketing has become a priority for loan originators as elevated interest rates, persistently high home prices and lack of inventory have created a challenging landscape for homebuyers. “Networking has always been a key component to drive growth and fostering true community with your referral partners and your sphere of influence,” Shane Kidwell, CEO of Dwell Mortgage , said recently in emphasizing the importance of digital marketing. ”So, you have to be intentional, you have to be very strategic — understanding the audience that you’re going after and leveraging it as a social networking platform.” The NAMB is affiliated with 12 state associations and represents the interests of more than 993,000 licensed and registered mortgage originators, as well as 68,000 licensed mortgage broker and mortgage lender businesses, according to its website. Roomvu is backed by REACH, the venture capital arm of the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Roomvu claims that more than 100,000 real estate agents are preparing their local social media content on the platform.
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