Neron Meiler, CEO at Screen Media Group, Tells Us How the Top Hispanic Digital Marketing Agency in the USA Helps Brands Conquer the Digital Marketing Space

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times? 

Neron Meiler: This situation presents a lot of challenges, but we live them as such. We are doing good and optimistic about the coming future.

Tell us about you, your career, how you joined Screen Media Group 

Neron Meiler: Since 1998, I have dedicated my entire career to digital marketing. I have worked on thousands of digital projects, helped entrepreneurs launch their dream projects, and we have also consulted top CEOs and Marketing Managers about Digital Innovation.

Today, I’m the CEO of Screen Media Group, a Top Digital Marketing Agency that helps Latin and Hispanic companies enter the US market as well as US companies that want to conquer the Latin and Hispanic audiences.

How does Screen Media Group innovate?

Neron Meiler: It is impossible to stay in business doing the same that you were doing 6 months ago. If your business has benefited from the current situation, as happened to us, you still need to approach your clients differently. Companies now need to have a purpose, be honest and have a conversation with their customers. They should also need to be fast and responsive. This can only be achieved through the implementation of digital transformation. 

If your business is struggling, there is no receipt that will fit all companies, but as a general rule, you need to think about ways to reopen your business fast and be able to pivot. This simply means the ability to experiment with different options to find real opportunities, implement, and measure your actions. 

We are more than even working with our clients as partners, as opposed to treating them as clients. We have teamed up with a few of them and work based on results.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?

Neron Meiler: The logic is simple; If you continue with the old ideas of your business, and you fail to innovate, you will begin to disappear. This is if you have not already done so. Many companies have disappeared but have not yet realized it. When they do, it will be too late.

Disappearing is a consequence of losing the vision of the business model, facing an evolving world, where current customers would be willing to continue consuming. That explains how Kodak, the world’s leading photography company, went bankrupt the year the most photos were taken in the world. Ironic, isn’t it? 

We take this situation very seriously. We know that we won’t go back to how it was before the COVID-19. We have changed so much, our clients have changed so much, and the market has also changed.

Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?

Neron Meiler: We had to make some difficult choices and prepare some alternative plans. Nobody knew what could happen back in February or March. We spent time talking to our clients to understand what they needed, and we worked on business and finance simulations to understand what the possibilities were. The good news was that the demand for Digital Marketing has been strong and higher than our standard, so there has been an upside. We had to think about how to handle the multitude of potential scenarios in front of us.

How do you deal with stress and anxiety? How do you project yourself and Screen Media Group in the future?

Neron Meiler: I deal with stress by understanding the situation and not trying to control it. But that, of course, is not enough. I try to exercise, sleep well, and eating better. I also stretch, read, and keep my mental health, not watching the news and keeping positive thinking. To protect the company, I try to protect my team and support them, not to mention a bit of fun at the conferences to break up the stress created by the pandemic.

Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?

Neron Meiler: We are tailoring a specific niche, and we have become an expert on it. 

We have offices in Latin America and the USA, we know both markets and speak both languages. This allows us to offer a full service to our clients that need to have a presence and understanding of both markets.

Many American marketing executives assume that all Latin America behaves the same way, but in reality, every country is unique and has different customs, consume services in different ways, and adopt technologies very differently. In reality, you cannot implement the same strategy in all countries in the same way.

Your final thoughts?

Neron Meiler: As we explain to our clients to whom we offer Digital Innovation Consulting services and digital marketing strategies, many tools can ignite the necessary spark in companies, this in conjunction with the necessary change of mindset. It is gratifying to be able to achieve this day by day with the companies we work with.

We audit all the marketing efforts and assets and work together to find the best possible option to enter the market with the winning strategy. 

We will help you understand the market better and offer solutions and show you the options so that you can make informed decisions. 

This is a complex situation that companies face right now, but you are not alone; you don’t have to have all the burden. We can help.

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