Newcastle digital marketing agency to double team size with recruitment drive

Newcastle digital marketing agency to double team size with recruitment drive

Newcastle digital marketing agency to double team size with recruitment drive A growing digital marketing agency ended 2023 with its busiest month in its eight-year history, kickstarting a recruitment drive which will see the company double in size. ROAR Digital Marketing experienced unprecedented demand for its specialist Search Engine Marketing (SEM) services in December 2023, with inbound leads and subsequent onboarding of clients quadrupling on average months. The agency, which helps businesses get found online and converts website clicks into customers through strategic SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising, has recently been appointed by seven new clients across a wide range of business sectors to get their 2024 off to an incredibly busy start. To cater for the sharp increase in demand for its services, ROAR will double its number of employees to 10 by creating job roles specialising in PPC, SEO, content writing, project management, and business support. Michael Knowles, the founder and Managing Director of ROAR, commented: “We have been blown away by the recent interest shown in our specialist SEM services, and our team was certainly kept busy in the lead-up to Christmas with unprecedented inbound leads and the onboarding of new clients. “Typically, November through to January are extremely quiet months for most businesses so the spike in interest over the festive period was a pleasant surprise. It’s testament to the excellent team we have here who strive to ensure clients see a healthy return on investment. “A client even signed a contract with us on Christmas Eve so there was definitely no Christmas lull, and the signs point to things only speeding up as positive conversations about working with new clients continue in the new year. “In the week before Christmas alone, we had discussions with 12 prospective clients which far surpasses our weekly average. My team and I are really excited about what 2024 holds and how we can help businesses grow by improving their visibility to wider online audiences and helping them convert more leads. “It’s rewarding as a business owner to see my current team members flourish, and to be in a position where we can create new job roles to help ROAR develop as a business.” Michael attributes the growth in success in part to empowering team members to take ownership of their respective channels and allowing them to implement strategies that would improve the effectiveness of the business’ operations as a whole. By Matthew Neville – Senior Correspondent, Bdaily Add me on LinkedIn and Twitter to keep up to date And follow Bdaily on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Submit press releases to [email protected] for consideration.
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