Newcastle Digital Marketing Agency, Venture Stream, to Host Free Ecommerce Masterclass | Business Up North

Venture Stream’s last event at Tyneside Cinema.

Specialist ecommerce agency, Venture Stream, is delivering a free Ecommerce Marketing Masterclass in the centre of Newcastle this month.

The agency works alongside leading brands and online retailers including Barbour, Yogamatters and Standout and for the first time will share the latest insights into ecommerce strategy with local business owners, directors and managers in the North East.

With so many different avenues to explore as people are embracing digital more than ever, it can be difficult to know exactly where to spend your money and time to ensure you’re maximising your business sales. The masterclass will uncover how ecommerce businesses can collect customer data, understand customer intent, choose the right marketing channels and apply this insight to better understand the customer buying cycle and ultimately, maximise the strategies with the highest ROI.

Commenting on hosting the inaugural event, Venture Stream’s managing director, Vic Morgan, says: “Designing and delivering an effective ecommerce marketing strategy can be made simpler through the implementation and understanding of effective data.

“With 90% of the UK population online using different channels, it is now more crucial than ever to understand the numbers behind your digital channels in order to stand out from your competitors and get in front of your audience.

“Until now we have only shared the expertise of our team with our clients and within privately organised strategy days and so we’re delighted to be able to share these insights with ecommerce businesses across the North East at the Tyneside Cinema on August 15th.”

Below are a list of the digital marketing specialists speaking at the event:

Chris Ogle, Business Development Manager

Introducing our speakers and running through the agenda of the day.

Gareth Banfi, Ecommerce Manager

Reviewing some of the biggest mistakes Venture Stream come across with Google Analytics accounts, as well as unused features to obtain more relevant data from your audience.

Ian Ferguson, Digital Marketing Manager

Discussing how to understand customer intent and more importantly, how to dominate the rankings using this vital information.

Olly Shiach, Paid Search Consultant

Focusing on the latest trends in PPC, new features and advanced strategies to start implementing in your paid search campaigns.

Andy Robinson, Creative Director

Discussing how to understand your customers buying cycle and the touchpoints you can control to create an effective digital strategy.

⦁ 9:30 – 10:00 – Registration and refreshments

⦁ 10:00 to 11:30 – Ecommerce Masterclass Presentation in Theatre 3

⦁ 11:30 to 12:00 – Interactive Q&A with the Venture Stream team

⦁ 12:00 to 13:00 – Free lunch and refreshments where you’ll be able to speak with the Venture Stream team on the
specific challenges you face in your business

Find out more about the event and how to book your free ticket by visiting the Venture Stream website.