No Bullshit Freelance Retreat — The Vander Group LLC | Philadelphia Digital Marketing Consultant


Think of the No BS Retreat as a freelance conference on steroids. We’ll cover a lot (a lot) of ground, so come ready to sprint. We’ll do group exercises, breakouts, and guided individual planning to tackle challenges and opportunities in your business like:

Pitching and closing work, and establishing your unique selling propositions and how you work that into your pitches.

Determining the best business mix for your business. Retainers? Projects? Part time in-house-combo roles? Contractor model? Agency model? Product-led? Coaching add-ons? We’ll look at it all and figure out how to play to your wants and financial needs.

Long term planning for your business: How do you sunset services? Fire clients? What marketing channels make the most sense for you? How do you transition your business through big changes? We’ll cover it all.

Pricing, pricing, pricing!

Pipeline development: building a referral program or a loyalty program? Discounts for repeats? Bundled services? We’ll scratch out the best plan for your business.

Dealing with burnout and work-life balance. So elusive, but so important.


Freelancing can be lonely, and no one truly “gets” our world like our community that lives it. A community of people that you can lean on to help build your business is essential; no freelancer succeeds without one. This retreat will connect you with other freelancers, consultants, and business owners who are working on their business, not just in it. We’ll have our meals together, happy hours, and get to know each other as real (read: quirky) people as well as serious business owners. You’ll leave with an established support network of freelancers in a variety of fields who can help celebrate your wins and support you through challenges.


What’s a retreat without a few surprises and feel-good add-ons? No matter which experience you decide to join the No Bullshit family for, you’ll get a taste of the local area, as well as business-building essentials baked into the flat cost of the retreat. In past retreats, these extras have included branding photos and headshots, dinners out, as well as face time with an accountant to ask burning financial questions.


Everyone will have their own bedrooms (we’re adults ya’ll, I’m not asking you to bunk like summer camp). All food, drinks, snacks, activities, happy hours, etc will be provided. You’ll only be responsible for transit to the retreat location and any souvenirs or extras you may want to do if you extend your time. Even if you’re local to the area, you’ll stay with the group for the retreat.

Spots for the retreat are super, super limited. Retreat spots are confirmed on a first-come-first-paid (just your deposit) basis and are non-refundable. Due to COVID-19, you will have to be fully vaccinated to attend the retreat (but do not have to be vaccinated at time of application).

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