On Page SEO – Page Loading Speed – 11th of 12 Techniques That Work | Episode 14 | Digital Marketing 101

Hi Everyone! This is the 14th episode of Digital Marketing 101 series. It is about the 12 On Page SEO techniques.

I am presenting each of these techniques as individual blog posts. Today’s blog post is about the 11th of the 12 techniques. And it is about Page Loading Speed.

What is Page Loading Speed? How to create optimum Page Loading Speed for your website? Let’s discuss in this blog post.

This is part of the digital marketing 101 series. I will be sharing more digital marketing strategies information and tips in future blog posts. So, remember to join my I Love Passive Income Community to receive updates.

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Watch: On Page SEO – Page Loading Speed – 11th of 12 Techniques That Work | Episode 14 | Digital Marketing 101

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What is Page Loading Speed?

Page Loading Speed is the amount of time it takes for your web page to load on a browser. How fast it can download? It depends on several factors.

To find out how fast your web pages are loading, you can evaluate your page speed with Google’s PageSpeed Insights.

Since 2010, Page Loading Speed is one of the signals used by Google to rank pages. As such, a slow page loading speed can negatively affect your ranking.

How to Have Optimum Page Loading Speed?

There are many ways to increase the Page Loading Speed of your web pages on your website. Here are some of them :

Choose Performance-Optimized Hosting

Do not choose Web hosting services just because it’s cheap. When you choose a web hosting service at a lower monthly rate, it can result in poor management and performance.

One of the reasons the hosting is so cheap is because they are sharing resources with many websites. It can be thousands of websites.

This overloads the server, and can result in slower page loading speed. Choose a better performing hosting solution. One that is designed for speed.

I use one that I am quite happy with. They provide excellent management and performance. The customer service is excellent and contactable 24 / 7.

Also, they have many optimization tools and features that help with improving page load time. One of them is the important image optimization tool, which I will discuss further down in this blog post. The other is CDN, which is the next point I will discuss.

If you need a new or better hosting service, click on the image below now.

Use A CDN (Content Distribution Network)

CDNs, also known as Content Distribution Network are networks of servers that are used to distribute the load of delivering content. There are many data centers at various locations around the world.

They can keep copies of your website. They can detect where your website visitor is physically located.

Then they send your website from a server closest to them. As such, when people visit your website, they can experience a faster download time.

Optimize Server Response Time

Take a look at the amount of traffic your website gets, the resources that each of your web page uses, the software your server uses and the hosting solution you use. All these can affect your server response time.

Monitor performance bottlenecks and fix them. These can be slow routing, slow database queries, lack of adequate memory, and more.

Optimize Images

Keep your image file sizes as small as possible without compromising on quality. You still need to have good quality images for the purpose of Image SEO.

You can use photo editing software like Photoshop or GIMP to compress the images. Also, on WordPress, there are plugins that can help you compress your images. For example, Smush.

It can automatically compress any image you upload to your website. For me, my web hosting service provides image optimization features.

So, they handle all the compression and optimizing images for me automatically. Plus, I use their Lazy Load feature to reduce the initial load time.

If you need a new or better hosting service, click on the image below now.

Use Browser Caches

Browsers can store stylesheets, images, JavaScript files, etc on the browser cache. This can reduce load time.

Especially in cases when a visitor comes back to your website. When all the information is cached, the browser doesn’t have to load the entire page again.

Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML

Clean and optimize your code, e.g. remove spaces, commas, and other unnecessary characters. Remove code comments, formatting and unused code. Google recommends using CSSNano and Uglify JS.

Remove Render Blocking JavaScript

To render a page, browsers have to build a DOM tree and parse HTML. This will cause delays, and slows down the load time. So, it is best to remove any render blocking Javascript.

Reduce Redirects

A redirect will add load time as the HTTP request-response cycle needs to happen. Every time there is a redirect, this cycle is executed
and this slows down the page load time.

Reduce Plugins

Plugins are used on many platforms such as WordPress. Having too many plugins on your website can slow down the loading time.

As such, do minimize the number of plugins you need. Use only those you really need and are necessary. Disable and delete plugins you no longer use.

Test Page Loading Speed

There are many tools to test page load time. Of course, one of the best is the Google PageSpeed Insights.

The tool scans your page’s code. When there are any problems affecting loading speed, they will produce a report to inform you.

They will show you areas you can improve upon known as Opportunity and Recommendations on the report. I will add the link to this tool in the description below.

Would you like to get more training and learn more about On Page SEO? Here is a resource filled with information and lessons about digital business and digital marketing.

You can join the Free Starter Package with just your email. No credit card needed for this Free Starter Package.

There is some free training as well as really powerful tools and features to help you do digital marketing for your online business.

My #1 Recommendation
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Join the Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member for Free! And get access to free training as well as many free features and tools (including powerful keyword tool). Plus, you get to create a website hosted on the Wealthy Affiliate server for free.

On Page SEO – Page Loading Speed – 11th of 12 Techniques That Work | Episode 14 | Digital Marketing 101

Timotheus Final Word
for Passive Online Revenue

Do you have any questions about Page Loading Speed? Let me know in the comments.

In my next video, I will share about another On Page SEO technique,
that is Mobile SEO. Remember to join my I Love Passive Income Community to get updated whenever I publish it.

I wish you immense wealth and success!

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The post On Page SEO – Page Loading Speed – 11th of 12 Techniques That Work | Episode 14 | Digital Marketing 101 first appeared on Online Passive Income Opportunities.

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