Would you opt for professional writing services?
The towering colossus named Abraham Lincoln rules our thoughts 150 years after becoming the American president. If Washington gave the Americans independence, Lincoln brought a slave-free nation. If you had to write an essay on Abraham Lincoln, would it be a good idea to seek the help of professionals?
Many reasons drive students to seek the help of an online paper writing service. While it is routine practice nowadays, we accept that it is morally wrong and could be considered plagiarism or dishonesty to pass off the work as your own to obtain grades or pass examinations. Some people find nothing objectionable, though. We understand those weaker students and the over busy or part-time employed need a service that might make a difference in their careers. In any case, the first-hand experience of researching, writing, and learning has been sorely missed by engaging professional writers to do your homework. However, there appears to be nothing illegal. Can take no charges since it will not prove that it is not the student’s authentic creation.
Such controversy would be appropriate for a case study analysis! The present-day society abounds in bitter controversies. Many unseen and unreported battles are fought in broad daylight, with injustices raging. Some communities and races, minorities, and sects suffer terribly, like in the ongoing Asian and African ethnic conflicts. Besides pity and charity, there is little we could do except take up a thorough investigation on the research level, perhaps to suggest some solutions or help a deeper understanding.
A case study definition involves the systematic study and analysis of a place, organization, person, or policy over some time when data is gathered through various means. A case study cannot deal with the here and now alone. The ethnic conflicts in Asia and Africa have raged for quite a while with no end in sight. Thus they make good situations for case studies. A timeline would reveal the true colors and dimensions of the multifaceted problem and perhaps indicate some lasting solutions.
Hundreds of case study topics surround our lives on diverse subjects like business, medicine, administration, religion, and politics, to name a few. If something is important enough in the context of society in terms of local, national, or international importance, it is worthy of study. What about all the environmental problems? How do you study the deterioration of the forest and the disappearance of species? Researchers spend maybe months camping out in the wild to study what is going on. Laboratory testing would be part of the arsenal. Many organizations would provide finance for worthwhile studies. In the health and fitness scenario, case studies of family problems, marital strife, depression, and suicide have assisted the understanding of social problems and given people a better chance at successful lives.
Writing reviews may help clarify writing skills!
Films, books, and television serials, besides stage dramas, rule our social lives and reflect social values too. Discussing such works in film and book reviews requires clever skills of analysis, discussion, and debate. You need to understand the genre well to write effective reviews. Much would depend upon the length of the review and the purpose or publication it is meant. Some essential things would need to be covered. A word about the book cover, quality of printing, and the price would be required. Regarding the contents of the book, a note about the writer may form the introduction. The story plot or theme, the characters, and the background come next. In order of importance, by asking a series of questions, who, what, where, when, why, and how. Invariably helps to get the points we need for understanding. The quality and efficacy of the language, formatting into sections or chapters, could also be discussed.
It is prevalent to find passages or dialogues from the book used as excerpts in the review, to make it more realistic and convincing. Whatever claims are made about the book could be backed up with small appropriate excerpts as evidence. Comparisons with other books of a similar genre would be correct too. The title often has stories to tell, like GIRL, STOLEN by April Henry. The drama, humor, conflict, and message for readers and society are some other areas a successful review could throw light on. Positive thoughts help to sell the book like hotcakes.
You would find excellent essays on Abraham Lincoln searching for American history or a thesis on slavery. Children in school learn first about Washington and then about Lincoln, both mighty figures like the sun and moon for the American culture. Particularly tragic is Lincoln because of his sudden end at the gunshot of Booth as he witnessed a play after the war had ended and slavery was gone. After doing many odd jobs with hardly any schooling, Lincoln became a successful lawyer, and Gandhi had a similar professional life. A short essay on Abraham lincoln would contain just a few biographical facts.
A thorough essay on Abraham lincoln’s life would bring out the magic and the genius, the hope and the inspiration of a life dedicated to the community. The power of oratory like at the Gettysburg address would ring through humanity in any age. The world is full of gods and devils, and Lincoln was one of the towering gods who appeared to bless the American people, as great as any religious prophet.
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