Online Marketing for Law Firms | Attorney Digital Marketing

Target the Right Keywords for Your Law Firm’s SEO Campaign

Keyword research is all about determining which strategic keywords you should be targeting in your website’s content, and then how to create that content to satisfy both search engines and the people searching.

Keyword research will provide you with specific search data that can help you answer questions like:

As we mentioned in the content creation section above, You can use free tools like Ubersuggest to find keywords and content ideas that your prospective clients are searching for, along with Google’s “people also ask” section.

Simply put, you’ll want to target the keywords that are going to have the most search volume, and result in the highest conversion rate possible for your legal practice or law firm. The best approach is to target both short and long-tail keywords throughout your website content.

On-Site Search Engine Optimization for Your Law Firm Website

On-Site SEO (also called technical SEO) is one of the main things that you can directly control in order to help your website rank higher. This include things like:

The ultimate goal of on-site SEO is to leverage the factors Google uses to judge the quality of each of your web pages. You can then create content that uses these factors to enhance the experience of your prospective clients to increase conversions (contact form submissions and phone calls).

If your site isn’t where you want it to be and you’re not seeing the traffic or search rankings that your competitors have, you need to run an SEO website audit. An SEO audit checks for site errors, meta descriptions and title tags and helps you uncover what needs to be fixed or changed on your web pages to boost your search engine visibility.

SEO Backlink Building Outreach

A backlink is a hyperlink from someone else’s website to your website. Earning backlinks to your law firm’s website is one of the best ways to increase your search engine rankings. It’s important to know that you should only ever build natural, high quality backlinks, and although the volume of backlinks you have will impact your rankings, it is better to concentrate on quality over quantity.

Your SEO campaign should concentrate heavily on increasing the volume of relevant backlinks your website has. These can include partner’s or vendor’s websites, legal blogs, legal forums, legal directories and more.

Achieve Top Search Engine Rankings with the Right Content Marketing Strategy

Effective, quality content marketing is paramount for top search engine rankings. The content on your website has a direct effect on your website’s ability to rank on Google and on your ability to convert website visitors into clients. Google has come right out and stated that “content” is among its top three ranking factors.

If you follow the steps in Part 2 of this guide “Supporting Your Brand with Compelling, Useful and Quality Content” then you’ll already have this part covered.

Always create content for your potential clients first. Never put content on your website simply because you think your website needs more content. Everything on your website should serve a specific purpose for your prospect. It should address and answer frequently asked questions and help illustrate why you are the best choice to do business with.

Google Maps Listing Optimization

Google Business listings (Google Maps) are featured prominently on mobile devices for users seeking local products and services. As a result, Google Business SEO can create incredible exposure for attorneys and law firms.

Primary factors that influence Google Maps rankings:

With mobile Internet use dramatically increasing, the relevancy for Google Maps marketing is on the rise for a majority of legal practices and law firms.

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