It’s a very long time now that we all are under the attack of a dangerous pandemic i.e COVID 19 and more than half of our planet is affected by Corona. Not only human health is affected but their business is also affected and resulted in a huge loss. The decision of lockdown has been taken by the government to protect citizens from the virus but on the other hand, our economy is adversely affected during lockdown and now it’s a high time to think over this issue. It’s a really tough time, and all need a strategic plan to start their company with the same enthusiasm and energy. To again gain the same amount of profit and also to again build the customer’s faith, DIGITAL MARKETING is a great help for them. All the activities of digital marketing will be a great help for businesses to reach out to the masses and advertise their products and services.
There are many negative aspects of Covid-19 in almost all the industries like IT sector, fashion industry, entertainment industry, all the restaurants, cinema halls, tourism, hotel, theatres, real estate sector and many more.
On the other hand it’s a great opportunity for all the businesses and companies as they can promote their business online. The other positive impact of the Covid-19 is that employees are now availing the facility of work from home. They can focus on their work as well as can spend time with the family. It’s all become possible by adopting digital marketing strategies as all the important activities or tasks can be easily done from home.
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