First of all, how are you and your family doing in these COVID-19 times?
Sourav Basak: This pandemic days are making a new room for the new. But, prayer for those who have lost their lives. We (along with better half and beloved daughter) had also gone in this worst situation while tested positive 3 months ago and overcame quickly. During a Pandemic situation, ‘How Are You?’ is not a good question for us. We are still trying to maintain social distancing as much as possible, not for only us but everyone around us. Stay fit and healthy always.
Tell us about you, your career, how you founded Namaste UI.
Sourav Basak: I started a journey in the IT industry in the year of 2007 and after gathering knowledge and technical abilities and converting them into a reality. This became an easy task for me to invent something that is delivering something which we call providing a service or product and yes, it’s 6 years running.
How does Namaste UI innovate?
Sourav Basak: Innovation is all around us. You just need to make them into reality. From exciting new technologies to the new startup business models, the idea of innovation is taking off just as fast as the businesses that embrace it. And that’s how this innovates. Start with a small idea, gather it one by one, make them into real, and you can see creativity and innovation around you.
How the coronavirus pandemic affects your business, and how are you coping?
Sourav Basak: No, so much. We feel fortunate that Namaste UI has not been impacted negatively too much by the corona-virus pandemic, but this has reinforced me not to take anything for granted easily and be ready for those difficult times. As the current industry is trying to match everything with an online presence and we are already there from the beginning. So, make innovation a key business process and outlines the other approaches you can take. It’s DIGITAL now.
Did you have to make difficult choices, and what are the lessons learned?
Sourav Basak: Your past is where you learned the lesson and the future is where you apply the lesson. Don’t give up in the middle. Your experience will carry you forward. You have to remind every single biggest lesson you have learned in your life. But one thing, keep yourself updated with the latest trends whichever industry you are in. Deliver your best where you belong.
How do you deal with stress and anxiety?
Sourav Basak: Exercise, Spend time with friends and family, music, and one thing, i.e. learn to say no.
Who are your competitors? And how do you plan to stay in the game?
Sourav Basak: Competitors are those who offer similar products or services. Try to do something new and unique. To stay in the game, we need to focus on developing trust at every turn. Maybe the end goals are different.
Your final thoughts?
Sourav Basak: Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create. We all have a passion. You have to be more passionate about what you’re doing. This is an experience that can change your perspective and stay with you for life.
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