Paving Contractor Funnel Explainer – Get Contractor Leads – Long Island Website Design & Digital Marketing Company

Hey guys, thanks for clicking to check out the paving contractor sales funnel and I don’t have to race through the ad right now, whether you came from Instagram or Facebook but what I wanted to show you guys is a little bit more about it. For a limited time, I am offering this for free. This is, this is something I’m, you know trialing out with some my payment contractors getting good results and I want to try it out with more contractors. So, you can get this whole setup for free, but I want to show you guys a little bit more about it so that you can understand kind of how it works. So let’s take a look a little bit more in depth now that we have some more time.

Educating Your Prospects: The Power of Nine Questions

So as far as the lead magnet that we offer, nine questions to ask your paving contractor before hiring them. This is the document that educates the potential customer okay. What questions should you ask a paving contractor? Okay and basically just, you know, how long have you been a paving contractor? What are the most important elements of the project?


Building Confidence through Education

What’s included in the scope of work? Will my project present any unique challenges? Are they any hidden fees? Have you paved any projects in the area you have references, etc. So, you know, I am really aiming to educate your prospect okay because of that saying a confused prospect never buys, we don’t want them to be confused, we want them to be confident.

Navigating the Sales Funnel Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

So that’s why I’m going this route this education route, letting people know, you know, what they should know about the service and if you’re a reputable company, you’re okay with that because you’re doing the right thing and you want to do the right thing by your customers. So this sort of a system isn’t going to be for everybody but I want to work with the people who are comfortable knowing that yeah, they want their clients to understand the process.

Unlocking Success: An In-Depth Look at the Sales Funnel Process

So that will make them sure that they’re comfortable choosing your company as your business, the company that does the right thing is I was on the up and up. If so you’ll have no problem with this sort of route and really, the question is don’t really go too into depth, too technical but you know, I really like the idea of educating prospects because, you know, a drive was a big investment for residential, for homeowner and even asphalt projects in general. So it’s good to educate the consumer so that they’re not confused, right because confused prospects never buy. So let’s educate them. Anyway. So now let’s take a look at the, I want to take I want to show you a little bit of an expanded view of the sales funnel process. So let’s take a look at that.

The Power of Automation: From Opt-In to Scheduled Meetings

So basically, you know, whether you’re driving traffic from a Facebook ad, a Google ad, or Twitter ads, or you’re not even doing advertising, but you’re, you know, sharing links elsewhere, however, however, you’re getting people to this page, you know, that this is where they’re coming from. So this is that opt-in screen, right? This is where we offer them the lead magnet, it’s called the checklist, okay?

So at this point, it you know, if they don’t check if they don’t opt-in, okay, this is a very simple funnel with a more advanced funnel, we could really target those people if they don’t make it to step two and step three, but either way, this is step one. So when they come here, at this point, when they fill out that form the name, email address, and phone number two things happen, okay? The first thing that happens okay, is they go to step two, okay they go to step two, which is the schedule meeting page and the offer page, okay?

Schedule a meeting, save on the work, okay, so we take them to this page immediately and what also happens is five minutes from the point that they contact you, they begin this series of emails, okay, this is called automation.

Okay, so you know, we tell them that, you know, the checklist is on its way it’s being prepared but what’s actually happening is we’re waiting to send them the info, because we, we don’t want to lose them, we want them to focus on the next step, which is scheduling a meeting with us right or meeting with you rather. So that’s why we bring them immediately to this page but delay the email with the checklist.

Connecting Personally: Utilizing Video and Timed Offers

So we bring them immediately to this page, this page has a video of the business owner, you know, just you know, introducing himself and, you know just basically given what I like to call a warm and fuzzy to the potential prospect, okay.

So, you know, on this page, it also says, you know, schedule within five minutes to save 15%. So that’s why we have that little countdown timer there. At that point, you know, the reason why I say five minutes is because I want them to schedule before they get distracted by this email, okay? Now, they may not schedule, but at least we you know, we put the 15% offer out there, that’s a reason, right, that’s an impetus to schedule and then we say, you know, you only got five minutes, that’s another reason to hop on the free scheduled appointment and that’s a beautiful thing, they’re actually scheduling an appointment with you.

Strategic Scheduling: Enhancing Customer Interaction

So, you know, when you set up your scheduler, you know, you basically block out certain chunks of time, if you know, every afternoon, from four to six, you know, you want to do estimates in a particular area, whatever the case may be, you know, you could set up the scheduler to only allow people to block in that time, or, you know, on just on Saturday mornings, or whatever the case may be.

So this approach is different because people are actually scheduling with you, okay, and that really makes a big difference. Now, what also happens, you know, in a perfect world, they schedule with you, then they go to the thank you page, which sends them to your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, hair, you know, follow us on social media, etc. When they sign up, now they get the first email, basically, like a couple of days later, I have several emails in the sequence to basically it’s called a nurture sequence so that the potential customer gets comfortable with your business if they don’t happen a schedule right away. So they get the checklist, they have the opportunity to read that, if they don’t, in this email, okay, it’ll actually be asked them, you know, do you want to schedule a free a free console, at that point, the email sends them back to this page, okay and maybe they don’t, maybe they don’t go, you know, they don’t click the link to go there but they download the checklist, that’s fine because, you know, two or three days later, they get the second email, talking about the owner of the company and his backstory, and you guys can edit this any way you like and in this email, again, we offer them the opportunity to, you know, schedule that free meeting, okay. 30 email, another couple of days later, it offers this, this is an email.

Building Trust through Email Sequences: A Strategic Approach

I kind of schedule, you know, tells them, it gives them a little bit of insight into, you know, your expertise as a paving contractor, and it just confirms that you’re the pro and again, we never miss an opportunity to send them to the scheduler and the same thing goes, this is a cautionary email warning them of scams, you know, the guys who have left over asphalt and the truck, and they’re going to do your driveway in a couple hours. The same thing offers them to schedule a free consultation and then finally, an email with some social proof. Do you know these people in your area we did their driveway as well. So what do we have here, we have a series of events, all focused on one thing, getting a name, email address, and phone number here, and then getting these people to schedule a meeting with you.

Automation: A Game-Changer for Your Business

So now you don’t have to go chasing them and this is all an automated system okay? This isn’t just, you know, like what we do, initially, you know, initially we would just do, you know, maybe a week, do an add ok, and then we would just send them to a website, an entire website with you know, page after page after page, you know, it tons and tons of pages, okay and what happens is that overwhelms them, okay and now they lose focus on why they’re there in the first place.

Whereas with this system, what we’re doing is we’re focusing for them, okay we’re making them focus on what they’re interested in and that’s potentially getting asphalt work, but we’re also giving them the information on how to make the right choice about it. Alright, guys so that’s this is the whole scenario obviously these can get a lot more intricate, but for the freebie you know this is what I’m going to be giving you if you’re interested.

So, schedule a meeting with me so we can discuss this a bit further and how it’s going to work for you and your business. All these pages are editable of course it would have your business information, your business, you know the emails can be edited to your company, you know, and all that stuff. So, schedule a meeting with me, and let’s talk about, you know doing something different for your business, which is a sales funnel for your paving contractor, paving contractor leads. Alright, guys, hopefully this is educational, and I hope to speak to you soon.

Why is educating prospects crucial in the paving contractor sales funnel?

Educating prospects is essential because a confused customer is less likely to make a purchase. By providing valuable information and answering questions, we aim to build confidence in potential clients.

How does the lead magnet, “Nine Questions to Ask Your Paving Contractor,” benefit customers?

The lead magnet serves as a guide for potential customers, offering crucial questions to ask paving contractors before making a hiring decision. It empowers customers with the knowledge to make informed choices.

What makes the automated scheduling system a game-changer in the sales funnel?

The automated system streamlines the process, ensuring that potential clients are guided through the funnel efficiently. From opt-in to scheduled meetings, the system maximizes engagement and minimizes the chances of losing leads.

How does the use of video and timed offers enhance the sales funnel experience?

The inclusion of a video featuring the business owner creates a personal connection with the prospect, fostering trust. Timed offers, such as the 15% discount, create a sense of urgency, encouraging potential clients to take immediate action.

Why is a nurture sequence through email crucial in the sales funnel process?

The nurture sequence aims to keep potential clients engaged and comfortable with the business. By strategically sending emails that provide additional information and build trust, we increase the likelihood of clients scheduling meetings even if they don’t do so immediately.

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