In business, these are words you never want to hear, because they may well translate as you have lost out on an opportunity to sell to someone new.
Step forward digital marketing. People are looking for information and wanting to buy stuff, including everything that you sell. How do you make sure they find you and not your competitor?
Last time, we talked about search engine optimisation (SEO), so now let’s talk about paid advertising, commonly referred to as Pay Per Click (PPC).
Pay Per Click
Paying Google or Bing to direct search traffic to your website, rather than your competitors, is an endearingly fast way to place your products and services in front of your customers.
The catch is that the doing this well can be maddeningly hard work and eye wateringly difficult for the unwary. Doing it badly however is relatively easy to achieve, but can prove to be both disappointing and expensive.
Undaunted, a lot of companies will still “give it a go,” usually starting with a free Google voucher. Regrettably, without the knowledge, diligence and techniques to implement a focused campaign, the results are often poor, the money is soon wasted and companies are left disillusioned by PPC.
Let revvd show you how this all works
By way of free advice, here are some of the common mistakes revvd will help you to avoid:
- Chasing high volume keywords that are early in the customer journey.
- Believing conquering the UK is a good strategy, when really, you are a local business.
- Driving ad traffic to the homepage rather than a bespoke landing page
- Not calculating a realistic cost per acquisition before starting a campaign
By now, you may well be convinced that a bit like plastering a wall, PPC benefits from professional help. By working with revvd, you will quickly see a boost in your inbound enquiries. Some of our clients have actually asked us to turn the PPC volume down, because they were just not ready for the level of enquiries our work generated for them.
Don’t be antisocial
It is important to note that PPC isn’t just about Google AdWords or Bing Ads. Social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn have been doing paid search for a number of years now. Targeting your ads by demographic: age, location, employer, likes and so much more. All businesses should tap into this opportunity to grow their brand and sell more stuff!
“We’re B2B, we don’t think Facebook is right for us. We only want to use LinkedIn.” Facebook is for older people has become a misplaced millennial mantra. It is worth noting that Facebook has more than twice the number of active users than Instagram and seven times more than LinkedIn.
Fake news
A few more myths that revvd can help to dispel along the way:
- Turn off your ads at night, no one is searching
- People don’t search Facebook
- With PPC you can set and forget
- You should only have one ad per keyword group
Look after your website
All paths lead to your website, the foundation of your digital presence. If your website’s appearance and content has been neglected recently, then revvd would recommend some investment there first.
Sounds good. What’s next?
Don’t just rely on telemarketing to generate leads. Find out more about the power of digital marketing and how revvd can help you with that and a lot of other website related benefits too.
Discover more here
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