Personal Branding for Digital Marketing
“The truth is personal branding is a powerful tool for raising not just your own fortunes, but the fortunes of your business. That goes for any major pivots or changes your business makes, or if you decide to open a different venture at some point (Keap, 2019.)” Personal branding for digital marketing can sound like a lot, but I promise it’s much easier than it seems.
So, let’s get into it. Having a strong personal brand, or building a personal brand when it comes to a small business is important. This can help the small business grow faster, be more long lasting and impactful. Actions such as putting an equal amount of effort and time into maintaining and creating your own personal brand as well as the small businesses brand is essential to further success.
A great way to learn more is to click the link below, it has helpful information to better understand this topic.
Personal branding for digital marketing: https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisaquast/2013/04/22/personal-branding-101/
Five Tips to Branding Yourself
Twitter to grow Personal Brand
With the development of social media and its platforms, its changed the way we communicate and interact with each other. Social Media giants like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are all platforms that are used by individuals daily, it’s now a part of our daily routines. That being said, it’s now a major part of any businesses success, large or small. AgoraPulse has ways to help any business or personal brand make their Twitter profiles grow. To name a few:
While platforms like Instagram and Facebook focus more on visuals, Twitter focuses more on the writing. The statists Hootsuite has on Twitter Marketing in 2021, are impressive as well.
So why use Twitter? It’s basic, easy to understand and has a large audience. There are rarely any learning curves as it’s so straightforward. Find your image, voice, build connections and grow on Twitter.
Blogging and Twitter Go Hand and Hand
Personal blogging is a great pathway to better connect with the target audience as well as new clients and viewers. “A 2017 HubSpot survey found, “53 percent of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority.” Personal blogs are great for small and large businesses alike. “Personal blogs are a powerful tool for small business owners. In a digital world full of dry, impersonal company blogs, one that shares the unique spark of your personality and passion can go a long way toward attracting your ideal customers.”
Personal blogs keep the approachable feeling all while having the content you want out there go to people who want to know more. Connecting to small businesses with this approach is one of the best ways to bring in these smaller businesses, it keeps it personal and gives information that is well written, but easy to understand.
Think of it as self-promotion, when you blog, you need a way to get your work out there. You could wait and hope people stumble across it on a search, or you could put your blog out there. So why Twitter? Twitter is a fast paced platform that thrives on trending news and posts. What makes this a good platform to promote a blog? It’s easy and simple. Instead of just Tweeting a link to your blog post, try including an interesting bit of your post in the Tweet, a line that stuck with you or a cool fact, try and connect with your base by using relevant hashtags.
Tips and Tricks for Personal Branding for Digital Marketing
Find alike people on Twitter. Find small businesses, friends or fellow bloggers that have similar interests as you. On Twitter you can create your own small network of people. When writing your Tweets or blog posts, write as if you are talking to a friend, avoid big terms or wordy sentences, you lose the reader’s attention when you jam a sentence full of random facts.
Promote your posts and Tweets and the right time. Easier said than done right? Look at what is trending, do any of those have to do with your blog post? Is today International day of _____? Making an appealing twitter post sounds a lot harder than it is, the reality is that is visually appealing, well written and correctly hash-tagged Tweet is able to go far. Visually appealing Tweets are easy to create, use a photo from your blog or find a relevant photo online. Find something eye catching.
Twitter can be a confusing space, but in reality its very simple, give yourself some time to use it, play around with its features. Also, try your best to understand Twitter “Lingo”, things like RT, DM and @ are all things that float around the app and are used more than their direct meaning. (RT= Retweet, DM= Direct Message and @= the username)
To Review
AICPA. (2021). Five tips to branding yourself. Retrieved October 19, 2021, from https://us.aicpa.org/interestareas/youngcpanetwork/resources/career/fivetipstobrandingyourself.
Keap. (2019). Why your personal brand matters to your small business Retrieved October 19, 2021, from https://keap.com/business-success-blog/marketing/branding/why-your-personal-brand-matters-to-your-small-business.
Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard. (2020, July 23). Retrieved October 19, 2021, How to establish your brand ‘voice’ on social media. from https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-to-build-an-authentic-voice-on-social/.
Lee, A. (2021, July 22). How to Build a Brand on Twitter in 11 Easy Steps. Agorapulse. https://www.agorapulse.com/blog/how-to-build-a-brand-on-twitter/
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