PETA flew a banner reading, “Now. Go home and Go Vegan!” along the skylines of Gold Coast last weekend.
Voters in Queensland had to step out of the house to participate in compulsory elections despite the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. Meanwhile, PETA decided to create a timely reminder that, in the midst of voting for change, residents should also consider switching their diets by going vegan.
PETA encouraged voters to go straight home after casting their votes. At the same time, it also urged citizens to adopt a vegan diet to prevent any pandemics in the future.
According to public health experts, the virus could have originated from a Wuhan market that sold live animals to customers.
COVID-19 is similar to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), swine flu and bird flu.
“As well as voting for change, we can all help to prevent future pandemics by going vegan,” PETA spokesperson Emily Rice said. “Whether it’s an illness that came from wildlife in a wet market, like COVID-19, or from pigs on a filthy farm, like swine flu, the only real way to prevent future panic is by avoiding meat like the plague.”