Yogyakarta, October 28, 2020 – Digital Marketing has become a core strategy for today’s business. Plenty of emerging entrepreneurs seek enlightens to improve their company. In the BV Talks #7, Center for Digital Society (CfDS) collaborates with Bukit Vista, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore Insititute of Management Innovation and Networking Society (SIM IONS) to bring experts in digital marketing from leading companies, including Facebook, Gojek, Danone, and many more. This event was held on Wednesday (28/10) through the Zoom channel.
The discussion started with a simple but noteworthy question on how to get 1,000 regular customers when you just started your coffee shop business. Most of the speakers agree that social media advertising is the best way to raise awareness of the coffee shop. Samantha added on the importance of micro-influencers in helping small businesses grow. Ferdu explained that people could also have users as promoters and get testimonials on your coffee shop. On the other hand, Bernando added the importance of knowing the location of your audiences concentrated. Understanding the market/audiences will help the owner to set their business strategy.
In the context of the pandemic session, Singapore Institute of Management Innovation and Networking Society presented a relatable question about “What’s the new trend in digital marketing strategy during this pandemic era?”. Ferdi thought that the trend would be around food ads on social media, impacting the competition among small F&B industries. Furthermore, the cost of acquiring customers is higher. Center for Digital Society (CfDS) brought up the topic of “How to build an excellent digital presence for your brand?”. Samantha states that “as a starting point, the business strategy needs to be focused on prioritizing and be efficient”. This is important for a start-up/SME business to have measurable results. Bernando also suggested the importance of keeping the customer engaged in their product.
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) also shared important topics on students’ necessary skills to be a digital marketing professional. All speakers agreed that beginners need to start looking for opportunities while learning about digital marketing itself. Dwinandha argued that we need to know the reason behind the Digital Marketing realm. As Boni said, many people misunderstood Digital Marketing, that the core knowledge is still marketing itself and digital is merely the tool.
With more than 150 participants from various countries attending the event, the Collaboration in BV Talks #7 wish to attract more young individuals to understand Digital Marketing, the market (people), and digital behavior.
Are you interested in becoming a professional in digital marketing? Find out the opportunities through this link
Author: Ruth T. Simanjuntak
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