Promote Your Blog with These 11 Proven Digital Marketing Strategies
You can spend countless hours writing the perfect blog post, but if you don’t have a marketing strategy plan in place to promote your blog content, it won’t be seen by anyone.
Your readers are not going to magically appear on your blog, with a cup of coffee in hand, eagerly awaiting your creative genius to appear in the form of a blog post.
You’re going to need to know how to promote your content so you can tell them why they should visit your website.
Grow Your Traffic with These 11 Time-Tested Marketing Strategies
The thing about Internet marketing is that you have tons of options available to you – so many so, that you can start to feel overwhelmed for which approach to take.
One expert will tell you what they think the best marketing method is, while another will tell you to do this particular strategy for millions of page views.
You’re going to find out that there are contradicting opinions for every single digital marketing strategy and you need to find the best one (or two) that works for you and your blog.
11 Proven Digital Marketing Strategies – Table of Contents:
Cutting Through the Noise – Creating a Strategic Marketing Plan for Your Blog
The more visitors you attract to your blog – as long as your blog is monetized for making money – the more money you’ll make, and the more lives you’ll change.
However – not all traffic is created equal. You will need targeted visitors to find and read your blog.
The Internet is a huge cyberspace portal that no ONE sales and marketing strategy will guarantee your success.
With the plethora of different marketing strategies available, the key is to find the marketing method that works for your blog niche.
“Don’t be afraid to do things your way – a lot of times bloggers get stuck in the cycle of chasing the newest trends and it ends up sending them in circles.”
So… how do you cut through information overload and figure out what works?
The first step in your digital marketing plan will be to learn what will work for your specific blog’s audience.
One tip that the experts will tell you, which I totally agree with, is to pick one or two marketing strategies to focus on and perfect them before moving on to another.
Finding which social media platforms your readers are spending time on – will be a good place to start.
When you’ve chosen your marketing strategy, give it your full attention for a few months. If you are not seeing an improvement in your audience then tweak your strategy and move on to the next.
A Reminder of What Digital Marketing is All About
Before you begin marketing your blog content – try to remember what Internet marketing is all about.
It’s not to let everyone know how great you are or that your blog posts are the greatest words written since the invention of the Internet.
Marketing your content will be about you sharing your genius with those people who can benefit from it – to build relationships and make connections.
When you start focusing on marketing in this manner – your life as a blogger will become much easier.
Remember – your blog is not the only one in cyberspace who can solve the reader’s problems – but you might just be the one best suited to solve their specific issue.
There are other seasoned bloggers with content that your readers might benefit from. And, part of any good marketing strategy would be to share that content too.
By sharing other bloggers’ content, you are helping yourself increase your own chances for blogging success.
You are initially showing your readers that it’s not all about you, which in turn will begin to build those crucial online relationships with other bloggers.
Let’s Get to Learning…
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Targeted Traffic
Writing high-quality content, then optimizing it for search engines isn’t the only way to get traffic.
Although, believe it or not, only posting high-quality content on a consistent basis, is actually enough to succeed in any niche.
But, if you’re a person that would go batty, because all you did was continuously work on content, then I recommend you choose at the least, one other form of blog promotion, from the list of marketing methods coming up.
You truly only need one core promotional method, plus one specific way (SEO) to generate traffic to build a highly profitable, home-based, Internet business.
Anything beyond that will most likely cause Overwhelm, increasing the odds of you Giving Up.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – THE BEST Targeted Traffic Method
One of the BEST, and most targeted methods for driving traffic back to your blog is Search Engine Optimization.
Search engine optimization is an art form for which to gain targeted traffic back to your site – and is a great marketing tactic for results many years to follow.
“Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results” ~ Moz.com
Over the years, Search Engine Optimization has gotten Extremely targeted, via the search engine algorithms that the SEO engineers have perfected, and continue to perfect.
Although, SEO can take months to take effect for your site, IT IS Still the BEST targeted source of traffic for any person’s Internet-based business.
“Even Google has specifically stated that this is the Best Way to build an authority website. As long as you have the patience to do it right and not game the system, you shouldn’t have to worry about penalties. Simply post quality content consistently and you’ll move up the rankings.”
I don’t think I could have said it any better myself…
According to an article from SearchEngineLand.com – “Organic search is responsible for 53% of all site traffic, paid 15% [Study].” The article goes on to say “According to BrightEdge, paid and organic search drive more than 70% of revenues for B2B and the other verticals.”
Wanna know what they say about Social Media? Before I tell you, promise me that you Won’t Kill the Messenger!?!?
According to this article – “Social media traffic referrals – The report has little positive to say about social media, which has been flat (at ~5% of traffic) since 2014 according to the company.”
We’ll cover Social Media, and its frightening statistic, coming up…
Back to SEO…
Did you know that there are MORE than 200 Ranking Factors that search engines take into account when ranking your site for their Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)?
Yup, you heard me right! These elements judge your blog to see if your website has the most accurate information to give to the people, searching for your specific topic.
Do you want your blog to be the authority on certain subjects? I KNOW I DO!
If you answered with a Resounding, YES, then you will need to learn as much as you can about search engine optimization.
What better person to learn from than Brian Dean of BackLinko.com?
Even though you see a question mark at the end of that sentence, it’s not a question – it’s a fact!
In his in-depth on-page SEO article, he’ll cover:
Besides learning the importance of SEO – Next, we’ll be discussing 2 important elements necessary to help find your place within the search engine results.
You will learn:
Keyword Research – Done Wrong Can Make or Break Your Entire Business
Ok, don’t freak out – not knowing how to do keyword research isn’t going to break your business, Per Se’.
What I’m referring to is, if you’re relying on receiving traffic to your online business, and you don’t do proper keyword research, you probably won’t get too many eyeballs to your site.
So, I guess in a nutshell, if you don’t know how to find the right keywords for your business, not getting any traffic, could actually break you.
Google and Other Search Engines
Google and other search engine engineers work tirelessly to improve their algorithm to direct the searchers to the answers they are looking for, via the search engine results pages (SERP’s).
A properly done SEO strategy will help your readers connect with you for what your blog content is offering, which is done through the use of keywords.
These keywords tell Google (and other search engines) what your post is all about.
For those that don’t know, Keywords are words that people type into the search engine box so the user can receive information for their particular subject.
Keywords can be as short as a single word, “Marketing,” or longer phrases similar to, “How to create a marketing strategy for my online business.”
The longer keyword phrases are much more specific to what the searcher is looking for, which are called, Long-Tail Keywords. If you’re a newbie blogger, you will need to direct your focus to long-tail keywords.
With the millions of blogs in cyberspace, you’ll want to create a blog post with keyword phrases that deliver exactly what the searcher is looking for.
Keywords play an important role in Search Engine Optimization – mastering these keyword optimization factors will help your articles rank, which will help the searcher find your particular blog article.
2 of these tools that come highly recommend for keyword research are Neil Patel’s UberSuggest and AnswerThePublic.
In Ubersuggest, you can enter keywords related to your blog niche and it will show you search volumes as well as related keyword search phrases.
In AnswerThePublic, this tool takes the keywords you enter and gives you related questions that people search on Google. It maps out the questions into a diagram Like below.
If you’d like to take your research one step further – all the phrases you see are linkable and will send you to a Google search page when you click on the link for all related pages to that keyword phrase.
If you’re looking for the in-depth article about the subject of keyword research, I’m going to refer you back to Brian Dean of Backlinko.
Another, go-to tool bloggers use to find potential keywords is Pinterest.
Choose a particular topic, type it into the search bar and Pinterest will suggest keyword phrases based on what words you enter.
The dropdown menu of keyword phrases are potential long-tail keywords that you can plan your post around.
When you write your post article, be sure to implement your keyword phrases within your text.
Word of Warning – don’t overdo it – Google will punish you for Keyword Stuffing. Write your post with the reader in mind, not the search engine.
Be sure to add your keyword/keyword phrase within your post title, h1, h2, h3 and h4 headings, along with your description, URL, and ALT text for your images. Make sure it looks natural for the reader.
“Learning how to do keyword research is a fundamental SEO task that involves identifying popular words and phrases people enter into search engines. When you know what people search for, you can focus content around those topics.” ~ Moz.com
Incorporating proper keyword placement as mentioned above, along with including keywords and keyword phrases within your body content, will help users find your article when they are searching on the Internet.
Sounds easy, right?
SEO Meta Tags
Meta Tags provide information about the webpage in the HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language – the code that makes up your web page) part of the document. These tags are in a specific area of your Source Code (what search engine robots read) that contain information about your website.
There are two very important Meta Tags that you need to add information for, each and every time you write a piece of content for the Web; the Title tag, and the Description tag.
If you took my advice and are using the RankMath SEO plugin, open up your WordPress blog to one of your posts and follow along.
Once you’re in your Posts Editing area, scroll down to your RankMath SEO Edit Box, then click on the blue ‘Edit Snippet‘ button – as shown in the image. This Edit button will create a drop-down box to add your information.
If you’re wondering what the green, button looking thingy, below the blue arrow, that says, “Make Money Blogging” is – that’s what is called a Focus Keyword.
In other words, typing your main Keyword Phrase within this box will give you an impression of how well you’re doing for on-page, keyword optimization, among other things within your article.
As you can see by the information with all the green check marks, this article is doing quite well for on-page optimization.
Moving On…
The Title Tag
The Title Tag is an element found in the section of the HTML code of your web page. They’re displayed on the search engine results pages (SERPs) as the clickable headline for a given result, and are important for usability, SEO, and social sharing.
The Title Tag is quite possibly the most important consideration when trying to improve your search-engine rankings for a particular keyword or keyword phrase.
Search engines use the text contained within the Title Tag as a primary factor to determine what the content of your web page is about.
Search engines will display the Title Tag at the top of each item in the search engine results page (SERPs).
– Because the attention span of a human is less than a Goldfish, a well written Title increases the odds of your searcher clicking on your link to visit your article.
Like a headline that needs to attract visitors while on your blog, the Title Tag should consist of the most attention-grabbing, interest-arousing statements you can muster.
Make sure to limit your Title Tag wording to 60 characters or less, because most search engines will not display any more than that.
Below, you will find the Meta Snippet Edit Box after clicking on the ‘Edit Snippet‘ button as spoken of above.
As you can see by the blue arrows, there are the 2 boxes to type in your Title and Description. This information will then be on display within the Search Engine Results Pages.
NOTE: If you look at the screenshot on the right side of the Title box and the Description box, you will see numbers indicating the quantity of characters used for your Title and Description.
Once you have typed in your Title and Description, you can use the Close Editor button below the Description box.
The Description Tag
You should optimize each and every Meta Description Tag on your web site, because as previously mentioned, the Meta Description Tag is an important part of the display information that visitors see when your site is listed in the SERPs.
Even though the Meta Description Tag is not important to search engine rankings, it is extremely important for gaining user click-throughs from search engine result pages (SERPs).
These short paragraphs are the author’s opportunity to create a few compelling sentences describing to searchers exactly what the given page offers, compared to what they’re looking for.
Try your best to limit the Description of your post to 160 characters (most search-engines use the maximum of 160 characters in their search results pages).
The ultimate goal of your description should interest the visitor enough so, they will click your search-engine results, link.
We’ve Covered Basic SEO – What’s Next
At this point you’ve learned the importance of SEO and how to go about getting it done.
Promoting your content is a way of saying to your potential reader, hey, “I’ve created some amazing stuff here for you to take a look at. And, it might even solve your [problem], or give you the [Desired Result] you’ve been wanting.”
I know, I know, it reads kinda weird, but you get the point.
Let’s get busy, and take a look at some additional ways to get the word out about your amazing content.
But, before we do…
How About a Quick Shout Out for Friends and Family?
Not many people think about telling their friends and family, about your their journey, when it comes to starting a new business.
Who better to support you and spread the word than those that love you (or like you a lot).
If you’re a social media surfer, admit it, you are, be sure to let your friends on your Social Media sites know what you’re doing.
Your mom, dad, brothers and sisters love you, hopefully enough (come on, you gotta chuckle), to help you spread the word about your new found passion.
OK – enough of that, let’s move onto the next section for promoting your content.
2. Email Marketing – More Important than Social Media
Virtually any blogger will tell you that your email list is the most important form of a marketing strategy than anything else available.
Your email list is the method of building a following and forming a relationship with people that have discovered you.
Creating an Email List is probably one of the most powerful methods to keep your readers engaged and excited about your blog, and the work you’re doing with it.
It’s also one of the greatest assets (income streams) for your blogging business. There are many people earning a good income with nothing but an Email List.
Many bloggers swear by social media, but something to keep in mind is that the social media networks are continually changing their algorithms, so at any given time your following may no longer see the content you share.
You don’t own the social media platform, so in turn, you don’t have any say in changes that take place.
However, you do own your email list, which is a direct line to your readers.
Your email list will be the method of building a following, and forming a relationship with people that have discovered you.
Something else to know and remember – your email list is yours. No one can take it away from you.
With your Email List, you’re in complete control.
Here’s a fun fact you might enjoy hearing – for every $1 invested in Email Marketing, you can expect a $42 return. That’s a 4200% Return On Investment (ROI). Try doing that with the Stock Market.
Building your list will be a simple task once you have visitors coming to your blog.
When you create articles, be sure to share it with your email list of subscribers. This is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your latest blog post.
But, don’t stop there – in your email list blast, be sure to ask them to leave a comment and to share your post with their social community to reach a wider circle of people.
Because they’re already a fan of your work, your email list subscribers’ will be more likely to share your content with their followers.
In order to start collecting email addresses, you must sign up for an Email Service Provider such as MailChimp or ConvertKit.
You can then add a signup form to your blog so that your readers can enter their email address and join your list.
The key is to attract targeted readers to your blog, then encourage them to join your email list.
One thing to keep in mind – it isn’t the size of your list that matters, the key is how dedicated and focused your list of readers are.
And, you MUST treat your subscribers as if they were your best friends, so don’t leave them hanging.
3. Collaborating with Bloggers to Increase Traffic & Build Vital Back Links
SEO & Email Marketing aren’t the only marketing strategies used to get traffic back to your blog – many bloggers swear by guest posting.
Guest Posting, also known as guest blogging, is writing content for another person’s site.
When you connect with other bloggers, you’re sharing your article genius with that blogger’s audience.
Since the ultimate goal of promoting your blog is to get your content in front of your ideal audience; writing guest posts for influential bloggers, within your own niche, is a great way to increase your traffic.
Your article will be read and possibly shared by their audience, which will have the potential to boost the traffic to your blog.
Not only will you tap into their already established audience, but Guest Posting will give you a backlink to your new blog helping to boost your Domain’s Authority, along with sending new readers to your blog.
Backlinks are like endorsements for your website, in the digital eyes of the search engines.
If you have an Opt-In Box on your site, which you should, this will also help you get more subscribers for your Email List.
Guest posting is one of the best ways to tap into that website owners audience, which could be huge.
The norm is to receive an author bio at the end of your article which will usually include a couple of brief sentences, written by you, about yourself and what your blog is about, plus a link back to your site.
Having your author bio at the end of your article can encourage the reader to click on the link and visit your blog – especially if you create a masterpiece creating the desire for more.
Not only does your guest post author bio give the reader of the article a way to visit your blog, but it also gives you that crucial backlink, which is beneficial for your site’s authority.
4. Influencer Marketing – The Art of Relationship Building
Influencer marketing is the building of relationships with popular bloggers, podcasters, social media experts along with entrepreneurial gurus, within your own niche.
It’s a way a way of saying, to schmooze with seasoned bloggers that have been around cyberspace for a while.
These influencers can assist you in helping your blog become popular. If you get in their good graces, they will help you get traffic to your blog.
Getting to know these authoritative people is also a great way to learn, what’s working and what’s not, in the blogosphere.
As the old saying goes, “It’s not what you know – it’s who you know.”
I know, I know, you’re probably one of those people that doesn’t like to feel like you’re using others, but don’t look at schmoozing influencer’s as using them.
Getting to know these authoritative bloggers is a great way to learn – you’ll discover that most of the successful bloggers will love nothing better than to help you succeed.
It’s a Win-Win situation for them. And, in most cases, better for them.
Here’s how they look at it. If an authoritative blogger helps you succeed, or has amazing content or training that guides you towards your goal, you’d be willing to tell a friend about him or her, right?
What better way to increase their following, increase their email opt-ins, increase their bottom line, than for you to tell a friend.
If anything – they are getting more out of it than you’re.
If you stalk them, in a legal manner of course, you’ll find out through their actions, what’s working for their business, and what is not.
This will be a short-cut to your blogging success, because others have tried, and failed in many areas.
A good way to start would be to build yourself a list of at least 20 influencers, then start following their every move on social media and their blog, podcast, etc.
You will eventually want to narrow your list down to 3 or 4 influencers.
One method you can use to find them would be to do search queries such as “best [TOPIC] blogs.” For example – “best marketing blogs” or “top self-improvement blogs.”
Another great tool to find influencers is Feedly.
Feedly is an online source for bloggers where you can see their blog posts and read them all in one location.
You can research and find influential bloggers within your own niche, categorize them, read their articles, mark articles as read or unread, etc.
You can also click through their article link and check out their site, and any comments that are posted for that article.
Once you have a list of influencers, you’ll want to keep an eye on them in any legal way possible, learn their every move. Remember, the more you pay attention, the more you’ll learn.
At the very least, you should subscribe to their blog’s email list, download anything they’re offering, follow their podcast if they have one, along with legally stalking them on their Facebook page, Twitter account or Pinterest and any other social media sites they hang around on.
You should be supportive – frequently comment on their blog posts, in their social media accounts, videos they create, etc., which will eventually get you on their radar.
The key here is to be different, to have something interesting to say, to stand out in a respectful and professional manner – to make a real effort.
Popular bloggers are busy and bombarded with emails daily from people that provide no benefit who are also usually needy and pushy – the key is to get on their radar by showing how you appreciate what they’re doing via commenting on their articles, videos and podcasts.
Treat this like you would any other relationship that is important to you. Don’t ask too much, too soon. And, don’t expect help or support if you haven’t given it first.
Over time, these influencer bloggers and podcasters will notice you and be much more open to supporting you by sharing your content or quite possibly even linking to one or more of your articles.
Over the coming years, you’ll want to develop a relationship with each and every influencer on your list. The more you know about them, the easier it will be to make a connection, and the smarter you’ll sound when you finally get a chance to speak to them.
So, set some time out of your day to dedicate watching their activities. Pay special attention to the topics they cover, projects they are working on, other authorities they communicate with, and anything going on in their personal lives.
Watch them carefully, because one day you will be able to reach out to them as a friend.
5. Social Media Marketing – 4 Popular Social Platforms
Most bloggers today will leverage social media as an avenue to gain targeted traffic back to their blogs.
Social media marketing does have its benefits and can gain you much-needed traffic, however – many experts will say to be careful how much time you spend on social media, that having a large following does not translate to more readers or greater income.
Researching the different social media platforms to see where your specific niche audience hangs out is crucial before diving into any platform.
Once you decide on a platform, test it with the following tips.
Facebook – The Social Media Empire
Millions upon millions of people use Facebook.
If your blog’s target audience hangs out there, then you must have a Facebook page for your blog.
For those 3 or 4 people that don’t know, a Facebook page is not the same as a personal profile.
When you signed up for a Facebook account you created a personal profile. This is where people connect with friends and family.
You can create a business page from your personal profile – this is what you will need for your blog.
Having a business profile will ensure that everything you share will be on message for your audience.
A Facebook business page will also give you insights into your analytics.
You will be able to see what people are engaging with your posts along with the demographics of the people, in which you will be able to use this information to help you create tailored articles for your audience.
If you choose, you can also create a Facebook group page for your blog.
You can also join other Facebook groups related to your niche to meet other bloggers, which will help grow your following.
Twitter – The Micro-Blogging Platform
Do you tweet?
If you enjoy surfing Twitter, and your audience is on there, then this can be a fun way to increase traffic to your blog.
Once held to 140 characters per post, Twitter has now increased the micro-blogging platform to 280 characters.
This platform, which appears to have more males than females, is a great place to break out your hashtag skills.
Previously known as the pound sign, the hashtag allows people to search for content for their specific word search.
So, if you want to find a specific topic on Twitter, place a hashtag along with the word, and the chances are you will find micro-posts on that particular subject.
Example: looking for different marketing strategies for your blog? Type #MarketingStrategies into the search bar and see what shows up.
You can use the hashtag to find other bloggers within your niche, which will also help you focus in on your own audience.
If you discover through your research that others are writing similar topics to your own niche, this means that they are finding success using Twitter and your audience is close by.
Instagram – The Visual Platform
If you are a photographer – what a great place to share your photo masterpieces.
Instagram is a visual platform that you can use to share your blog content, especially for the younger crowd.
Instagram is known to be the platform with the majority of its users being a female audience – 60 percent of those users are under 30 years of age.
Creating an Instagram account is straightforward. You will need to download the app directly to your phone.
You can create an account or login through Facebook – you will want a Business account so you can have access to analytics. You can also add the link to your blog in the website field.
You will have to decide if you want to use your personal name or your blog’s name… many users of Instagram choose to use their personal name with the symbol “|” and their blog’s name.
If you are having difficulties due to the limited characters, you will have to be creative.
On a footnote – with Instagram, you will not have access to analytics until you have reached the 100 followers mark.
To help grow your audience, so you can get to this limit, start following others within your niche, and share useful posts.
This will encourage the people you choose to follow – to follow you back.
Pinterest – A Top Traffic Source for Bloggers
Pinterest is a traffic making machine for many bloggers, including those in the traveling, cooking and decorative/craft type of niches.
Of course, there are many others not mentioned, but those are just to name a few.
One thing that many people don’t know is that Pinterest is not classified as a social media network – it’s actually considered a search engine.
Pinterest is all about the visual…
On that note, here’s a no-brainer strategy for your blog – have a shareable Pinterest image for every single blog post you write.
The standard image recommendation is 735 pixels in width by 1102 pixels in height.
Even if you are not currently focusing on Pinterest as one of your chosen platforms to perfect, take the time to include a Pinterest ready image for each article you write.
There will be people that will want to share (Pin) your image if you have one available to them.
6. YouTube – Video Marketing Strategy
Video marketing has become the norm for many bloggers.
Video is available to post on virtually every form of platform today.
If you enjoy creating videos of your surroundings or of yourself – your content is more likely to be shared.
To some, creating a video for the potential of millions to see can be a scary thought – especially for those with the ‘Introvert’ gene.
If you decide to break through your fear – your first video will be the most difficult to create.
Creating videos are meant to be a natural act – not rehearsed. They are not meant to be perfect.
Just be yourself and do what you do best – provide the information to your audience.
7. Podcast Marketing – Inspiring Your Listeners with Talk Radio
The popularity of podcasts are gaining more and more traction in the blogging world.
They allow the listener to gain inspiration and practical advice while on the run.
Whether your audience is on the treadmill or driving to their dreaded 9 to 5, podcasts can be listened to whenever and wherever.
Starting a podcast for your blog is a great way to build your brand and audience, but it can take a while to build a following.
Starting a podcast can be a scary thought if you are new to the blogging world, and there are many articles available, but one we recommend is BuzzSprout who offers a Podcasting 101 Guide for getting started.
A few podcasts I personally listen to and recommend are:
8. Content Marketing – Strategic Marketing Approach
“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”
Content marketing is considered a highly targeted way to approach your ideal reader which will eventually become a buyer.
It’s a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of content in the form of blog posts, social media posts, along with videos or podcasts that are intended to stimulate interest in a product or service.
The idea is to create content that is specifically designed for your audience. A more targeted audience usually translates into a greater potential of buyers for what you’re offering on your blog.
Marketing genius Neil Patel has written an in-depth article “Beginner’s Guide To Content Marketing” where he will dive headfirst into the fatal flaws of traditional advertising, then explain in great detail the advantages of content marketing for today’s fast-paced world.
9. Attraction Marketing – Eliminating the Pushy Sales Approach
Attraction marketing – for a blogger better known as personal branding – is the art form of drawing interest to your product or service using carefully devised techniques.
Often spoken of in the network marketing world, yet having similarities to the content marketing approach – attraction marketing gives the potential customer an idea to the way a product or service has improved the seller’s own life.
The concept of attraction marketing as a strategy will help you set your brand apart, clearly defining your target audiences’ wants and desires.
If you want to sell your product or services, you will have to find a way to invite yourself into their world as a welcomed guest as opposed to a person trying to sell your ‘can’t live without’ product or opportunity.
Unlike the traditional marketing strategies of the past that were classified as a pushy sales approach, the attraction marketing formula is geared towards making it an easy process to offer your affiliate product, personal product or your service.
If you want people coming to you for answers, then don’t be like everyone else promoting their products or services on every social network or every corner of your blog.
Offer valuable content that will educate and inspire your readers to want MORE – offer solutions, be a problem solver.
The attraction marketing blueprint involves branding yourself as the expert – the idea is to get your name recognized as someone who is the go-to person for the niche you reside in – the whole idea is to market YOU.
Your ultimate goal with the attraction marketing formula is to get invited into your reader’s world by offering VALUE, above and beyond any product or service you are selling.
The absolute best way to increase the value you give to your readers is to educate yourself. Become an expert at marketing in every aspect – whether it’s content marketing, attraction marketing or social media marketing – never stop educating yourself.
If you cannot offer value to your audience – you will not receive the invite into their world.
Because the attraction marketing method is based on the belief that the best product, service or business opportunity is you; this is deemed as the cutting-edge style of unequaled marketing for any form of marketing strategy.
No matter how much you rely on the Internet for promoting your business, one simple truth remains – people don’t join a business – they join YOU! You MUST position yourself as a leader, You MUST brand YOU.
Bottom line – if you want to achieve greatness and success with your online business, start selling you.
Start attracting people to you by means of putting value first – you MUST over-deliver.
10. Copywriting VS Content Writing – An Essential Yet Persuasive Skill
An essential skill to add to your marketing toolbox, which is an absolute requirement if you want to be a successful online entrepreneur, is copywriting.
“Copywriting is anything intended to persuade the right reader, viewer or listener to take a specific action” ~ Jim Edwards
The best copywriting occurs when people don’t even realize it’s sales copy, because it’s interesting to them.
When people are interested, they are going to read it and not think about the fact that the content they are reading is actually trying to sell them a product or service.
What is it that makes the person remain focused on the written word? What makes them read the copy and not think about the sales message?
The content is addressing a fear they have or it’s speaking to a desire they are searching for.
Have you ever wondered why Amazon is the number 1 site in the world to buy products and services?
People love to buy stuff! You’ve heard the old saying, “People love to buy; they hate to be sold.”
People will buy when it solves a problem, or it’s something that makes them feel good or helps them get what they want.
Learning copywriting is a much-needed skill to learn that will help you with your content marketing and writing persuasive email copy – learn anything and everything you can about this essential skill.
Along with the marketing guru Neil Patel mentioned earlier, another unequaled resource for content marketing and copywriting is one of the oldest and established copywriting blogs of today – CopyBlogger.
With their tagline “Words that Work for Smarter Digital Marketing and Sales” – this site offers marketing tips you can find via their blog.
You can also get free access to proven marketing training by subscribing to their email list.
11. Paid Advertising – Not For Beginners
This last marketing strategy is not recommended for the newbie blogger.
This is a method of advertising once you are clear on your monetizing strategy and have a clear picture who your audience is.
If you start a paid advertising campaign before knowing your audience, you risk losing thousands of dollars targeting the wrong people.
Facebook advertising is one form of paid advertising and seems to be a popular avenue for creating targeted traffic. If you feel the itch for Facebook advertising, seek out professional training from someone who has done it successfully.
Other forms of paid advertising are Google Adwords, Pinterest advertising and YouTube advertising.
In any case – YOU must be clear on your target audience before diving in. You need to know what the people are wanting and how you will get a return on your investment.
Marketing Strategy – Conclusion
Study other bloggers within your own niche to see the form of marketing that’s working for them. Learn from other bloggers who are already doing what you want to do.
In order to be successful with your marketing campaign – you must test the waters to see what’s working in your specific niche, then pick one or two marketing strategies and commit to them for the next few months.
At the very least, make sure you are building your email list.
NOTE: Be sure to watch Neils video to learn a great marketing strategy to gain traffic if you have little to no audience.
Some Tidbit’s of information from this article are from the brilliant minds of Sally Miller and Lisa Tanner, author and co-author of 2 highly recommended books, “Make Money from Blogging – How to Start a Blog While Raising a Family,” and “The Essential Habits of 6-Figure Bloggers – Secrets of 17 Successful Blogger You Can Use to Build a Six-Figure Online Business” (affiliate links).
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