You start a digital marketing agency. You do cold calls, send cold emails, or maybe market your agency via social media platforms. And you land a client. You get on a call, everything is smooth. You start working with them, delivering what you promised at the said time. But still, you are not able to keep that customer around for long. They find someone better and take the exit.
Because a relationship with a customer is somewhat similar to your other relationships in life. It requires nurturing and additional efforts. Building trust with your clients as a digital marketing agency requires a lot more than delivering good quality work.
Also, before you go on about attracting new customers, wait and reflect on your strategies to retain the customers that you currently have.
In these articles, you can read about a few strategies that you can use to increase customer retention for your digital marketing agency.
One thing you cannot miss out on is offering reports for your work, the hours spent, and analytics. Your customer will ask for reports when it comes to strategizing, billing, or maybe simply their resource management.
Whatever the need may be, it is always better to use digital tools to create a professional, well-detailed report so that your customer doesn’t need to contact you every now and then for little things.
For instance, with payroll management software, your customers can easily get a detailed report about how long you spent on a task and justify your cost of service. This tool is especially beneficial when you have an hour-based contract with your clients. These details include everything from hours to days.
When your clients come to you with a problem, it is not the time for you to send in your buzzwords and make the other even more confused. For almost every problem that a client brings to you in regards to marketing, you should always focus on resolving them with utmost sincerity.
When clients feel that they are being given honest and supportive advice, they feel comfortable and better about an agency. They no longer take you to be the money-driven organization but a customer-driven agency, and that is exactly what you should be looking for.
Again, like every other relationship, you need to set expectations that are realistic. That is achievable and fruitful for them.
For this, you need to know your customer more, and hence, you can start by getting to communicate with them more. Learn about their desires and use those as your leverage.
Make sure that when you set an expectation, you are NOT making any false promises. Do not promise them that your SEO services will help their websites rank on the first page quickly. You know that’s not going to happen.
Because when you promise them to rank #1 in a particular number of weeks/months and you are not able to achieve that, you have literally failed as a brand.
Thus, make sure you are only promising your customers about what you can deliver.
When you know someone has put in efforts for you, it is always a good feeling to know that someone took out time from their busy schedule to do this for you. So, why not use this strategy with your customers?
You don’t really have to spend much time. There are now email marketing techniques that can help you achieve this in a jiffy.
You can create a subject line with their name, for instance.
And when they see you personalized their emails, they feel like you care, and thus do not hesitate before creating a closer relationship with your business.
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