Rogerwilco responds to the evolution in SA’s digital marketing landscape

Rogerwilco responds to the evolution in SA's digital marketing landscape

Rogerwilco responds to the evolution in SA’s digital marketing landscape

Marketing 98
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According to local digital marketing agency, Rogerwilco, in a dynamic digital landscape where change is constant, one thing has remained unwavering: consumers’ desire for elegant online experiences. Rogerwilco says it recognised this fundamental truth early on, even before the concept of user experience (UX) became a mainstream term in the digital customer experience (CX) sphere.

Since its inception in 2008, Rogerwilco has been at the forefront of South Africa’s digital marketing landscape, says the agency. Over the years, the company has witnessed the evolution of digital platforms, from the infancy of Facebook and Twitter (X) to the advent of Instagram and the birth of the iOS app store.

While the company had an intense focus on customer experience in its first decade, it wasn’t until 2018 that Rogerwilco began to speak the language of digital CX. The subsequent year saw the launch of the company’s inaugural research report on South African digital customer experience, with a follow-up report in 2021 that specifically examined CX within South Africa’s townships.

According to the agency, this deep dive into the online experiences of South African citizens marked a turning point. Rogerwilco subtly repositioned itself, transitioning from being a standard digital marketing agency to a digital CX agency.

What does this repositioning mean?

Rogerwilco continues to offer a comprehensive range of digital marketing services but with a renewed emphasis on the end customer experience, the agency says. The core principle is to ensure that all solutions provided to clients are seamlessly woven together, driven by a singular goal: delivering a consistently elegant experience across all touchpoints, whether it be a:

  • banner ad
  • social post
  • web page
  • video, or
  • email.

This nuanced approach is not confined to client-facing activities, and Rogerwilco has applied the same philosophy to its internal processes. When a client’s project requires input from multiple subject matter experts, these experts collaborate closely on delivery, avoiding silos. The result? A puzzle where every piece fits seamlessly into place.

Understanding digital CX

Digital customer experience is the essence of how a customer perceives a brand based on all their online interactions with it. In today’s omni-channel world, consumers use multiple channels for researching and purchasing products and services.

According to the agency, Rogerwilco’s 2023 CX report highlights that online research influenced over R516-billion in physical retail spend, with 67% of consumers reading online reviews before making a purchase.

This underscores the critical importance of digital CX in modern marketing strategies. The quality of digital interactions is paramount; delivering a great online experience cultivates:

  • loyalty
  • repeat business, and
  • word-of-mouth referrals.

Conversely, a subpar experience can result in negative reviews, deterring prospective customers.

In a world where information is readily available, and transactions occur at lightning speed, prioritising digital CX can mean the difference between securing a sale and losing a potential customer for life. 

According to the agency, Rogerwilco’s journey from a digital marketing agency to a digital CX agency exemplifies its commitment to elevating South Africa’s digital landscape. With an unwavering dedication to providing consistently elegant online experiences, Rogerwilco continues to shape the future of digital marketing in the region.

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What does this repositioning mean?

Rogerwilco continues to offer a comprehensive range of digital marketing services but with a renewed emphasis on the end customer experience, the agency says. The core principle is to ensure that all solutions provided to clients are seamlessly woven together, driven by a singular goal: delivering a consistently elegant experience across all touchpoints, whether it be a:

Understanding digital CX

Digital customer experience is the essence of how a customer perceives a brand based on all their online interactions with it. In today’s omni-channel world, consumers use multiple channels for researching and purchasing products and services.

Rogerwilco responds to the evolution in SA’s digital marketing landscape Rogerwilco’s evolution in South Africa’s digital marketing landscape South Africa’s digital marketing landscape SA’s digital marketing landscape Digital marketing agency Digital marketing Digital marketing landscape User Experience UX Customer experience CX Consumer experience Evolution of digital platforms Evolution of digital marketing Digital CX agency Digital marketing agency Digital platforms Digital CX Digital UX Digital customer experience South African digital customer experience Digital marketing strategies Modern marketing strategies Online experiences Online customer experiences

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This is only some dummy text because I dont really know what to write. This is only some dummy text because I dont really know what to write. This is only some dummy text because I dont really know what to write.

Thanks a latte!

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