Our studio is run by music (and the occasional hot beverage) – how have the playlists been? Any surprises? Any new finds?
I love all kinds of music but I am terrible with names! It’s been great to have a full rounded playlist of the songs I like but haven’t been able to get hold of!
Particularly I like Marc’s playlists, it’s such a mixture and very hip-hop focused. Alex’s however… it needs some work and his dislike for Ed Sheeran does not help too! (just joking).
I often like listening to new songs even if they aren’t quite my picks – sometimes this is better because it means I can’t get distracted by having the urge to sing along.
So, from what you’ve seen so far in the work we do for clients – what do you think is the most exciting thing for clients to be involved within the digital arena next year?
Constantly being on the ball for evolving trends is very important!
As forever, . This works so well to get a message across and in a very visually pleasing way. Video can be very time consuming, but videos for social don’t need to be as higher quality, in comparison to a website’s homepage promotion video for example. They can be far more simpler, recycle any cool existing frames from previous footage and just add on a new touch to make it relevant to what you’re trying to promote currently.
Additionally, GIFs are great too. They are almost a tease and again add another interactive element to your channel, allowing an extra factor for people to take an interest in your content.
Personality & people. I have realised this is crucial at the moment – this is definitely the way forward to gain consumers’ trust in the brand and to bring it alive! Consumers want to know about the faces behind the glossy graphics, so including this content on the website, social media platforms etc, is a great way to build a brand story and in a more personal light.
If you were a business trying to make an impact – what would your strategy be now? And how might it be different to how you might have done when you started?
Before I understood the importance of – but I have certainly realised the high importance of having a website that is strategically laid out, organised and optimised to perform well for users. Yes, it’s great to have a glossy website, but it’s not much use if it doesn’t supply what the user wants and in a way that provides them with a smooth user experience.
From now, I have learned that having a website in place at a practical level should be a more important priority rather than spending hours on end to make it look pretty. Yes, it should look good, but it’s more important that is does the job the user wants it to – so including backlinks, galleries, customer referral proof, etc.. these are all things which assist the user make their final decision as they are elements which provide convenience and trust to the consumers.
I’d also make sure that enough research has gone into planning an audience as it’s really worth the time! It might delay the process at first but it is more likely to get better results because it is reaching people that want to see the content.
Overall, I’d make sure that I have a practical working website which is supported by the best performing social media channels – so only really the ones that are performing well and are reaching the appropriate audience. It’s fine to exist on each channel just to give a brief overview of what the company is about and to spread brand awareness, although engagement and active posting will be more limited to specific channels which will reduce time-wasting.
What would your ideal marketing job consist of?
If I could choose, I would really love to work with a client that is beauty and fashion-focused. I love working with pale colour palettes and gorgeous imagery. If it wasn’t such a mainstream brand, I think this could be a chance to really have fun and be quirky too.
Working with food and entertainment brands would also be fun clients as they get away with having big personalities which is up to us marketers to get across.