Searching for e-commerce in all the incorrect locations – Shopify Neighborhood

Ren here from the Shopify support team and I would be delighted to offer some recommendations here.

I just have to start by saying that I completely enjoyed the material of your FAQ. In fact the entire site is loaded with such cleverness, I can tell you actually had a lot of enjoyable with this in the building stage. This personalty you’ve injected into your store assists you stand apart and makes the online shopping experience all the more enjoyable.

It looks like you have actually establish social media accounts for 11 After which is terrific but up until now empty of content. I ‘d begin here. Employ a professional photographer (or a friend with the new iPhone 11) and have some enjoyable and imaginative images taken of your tee shirts on reality designs. Be sure to represent all the sizes you use and start using those images to develop marketing projects and enjoyable material on Facebook and Instagram. Place-It is also a really nice alternative if you’re not ready to venture down the photography path right now.

Next I would take a look at a more direct method to market and reach customers like adding a marketing sales banner (buy all 3 t-shirts and receive %15 off, etc) or providing a discount rate using an app. I notice you aren’t keen on the traditional pop-up forms so perhaps something like a Gamified application that’s more lined up with the spirited spirit of your website such as Crazy Rocket Spin Wheel or Claw Crane Discounts.

Have you considered including a blog? A thoughtful and purposeful blog can assist generate traffic and create brand-new methods to market your t-shirts while also building your brand. Here’s a nice compose up that includes 8 Examples of Effective Blog Sites.

What is your present marketing strategy? Are you adding more styles soon? It would be a fantastic opportunity to do a Black Friday Cyber Monday project. Let me understand if you have any questions on how to begin with the above!

Ren|Social group @ Shopify
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