Setting Marketing Goals in 2021 | Kicks Digital Marketing

We’re a week into 2021, and if you haven’t read about, talked about, or set new goals yet, we’re here to breakdown why you might want to start (especially for your business). Being a part of this pandemic landscape has changed some of the ways we do business. Some of the “new normal” is here to stay, and some will morph back into what we knew and loved pre-Covid. Your marketing has probably shifted, and it’s time to evaluate what is working and where you’re going from here. All of this can be complicated, so to help un-complicate some of this, let’s break down how setting some SMART goals in the marketing department can help you reach your big business goals this year.

You know where you want to take your business this year—where you want it to grow, where you see it going, and what your overarching goals are. (If you don’t have that, figure that out first, and then move on to the next paragraph.)

Once your business goals are established, the next step is to decide on a purpose for your marketing efforts. A big, overarching goal you want your marketing to achieve. These can be goals you set per campaign, per quarter, whatever you like. BUT having a goal will help you stay on track and make sure you’re working to further your business’s larger goals. This marketing goal can be, but is not limited to:

These goals are great (and we’re here to help you with these if you need), but let’s break them down further into SMART goals so that they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. This is how your big picture goals become actionable. Once you map out the SMART part of your goals, you have tasks, timelines, and details. And once your results come, you will have what you need to assess its success. This is the fastest path to marketing growth.

SPECIFIC – What is the goal?

MEASURABLE – How will you track progress and know when you’ve reached success?

ATTAINABLE – Is your goal realistic? And do you have the tools you need?

RELEVANT – Does this goal align with your company vision?

TIMELY – What is your deadline?

Let’s take a general goal example and turn it into a SMART goal:

Goal: To gather customer feedback

SMART Goal: To gather 100 new Google reviews (specific & measurable) by December 31, 2021 (timely), by using an email campaign (attainable) to new and former customers (relevant)

Once you’ve got your SMART goal mapped out, it’s time to make a plan. Outline and assign tasks, set dates, get your tools and software ready to go, and you’re rolling!

Tips to make this go as smoothly as possible:

Best of luck with your 2021 marketing and business goals! Thinking you may need some help making your’s happen? We’re always here to help.

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