< div itemprop=articleBody home=material: encoded > There were 1,277 e-commerce frauds in the first half of this year, a nearly 60 per cent increase from the 808 cases in the same period in 2015. About 8 in 10 of these cases took place on online market Carousell, typically involving tickets and electronic items.Some scammers turn to impersonating others, using photos from stolen identity cards or passports. Last October, then 21-year-old Mandy Teo’s lost IC was utilized by fraudsters to offer tickets to Universal Studios Singapore as Ms Ong, 25, stated she had actually blanked out the IC and passport number. She made a police report last Wednesday.In June, Carousell released CarouPay, a payment platform that holds on to funds in case of a conflict, such as when buyers do not get their purchases from sellers.The money will be released just after a resolution.Police advise buyers to exercise additional caution when they encounter unrealistic bargains.They needs to examine the seller’s track record, and purchase
only from trusted vendors and sellers.If advance payments are required,
buyers need to use shopping platforms that will launch the cash to the seller just after they have actually gotten their orders.
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