Imagine the number of people that visit an eCommerce store. Did you know that only about 5% actually make a purchase? Plus, there’s a 95% chance that most of those visitors forget about the site as soon as they leave. Facebook retargeting ads offer another opportunity for business owners to keep in touch with such one-time visitors.
Yes! Facebook retargeting allows marketers to create custom audiences from people that visited their website, engaged with content, viewed a product, or have in any way interacted with the brand online. Remarketing on Facebook allows you to re-engage with potential leads that have already been introduced to your brand, giving you higher conversion rates at a lower cost.
This step-by-step guide on Facebook remarketing ads will point you in the right direction on how to create a retargeting campaign. You’ll also find Facebook retargeting tips that will give you a competitive advantage for the best results.
How Retargeting on Facebook Works
Think about retargeting as another kind of online marketing tool. It’s been proven to be an effective method for winning over prospective customers, which also guarantees a high ROI. Most of your potential customers are probably active users on Facebook. So, retargeting Facebook ads are a smart way of re-reaching the majority of your target market.
Facebook Remarketing
As an eCommerce store owner thinking about remarketing on Facebook, you will find Facebook remarketing ads very useful. Facebook remarketing ads allow you to target people who have shown some interest in your product or service. It’s used to keep prospective customers reminded about your product and why buying from you is in their best interest.
Remarketing on Facebook is done using the Custom Audiences feature. This feature installs a snippet on your website, which places cookies on the PCs of whoever visits your website. And this code relays back information to Facebook about specific pages on your site viewed by a specific visitor.
When someone visits your site, they’re tagged with a unique code, which tracks their browsing activities. As they scroll through your Facebook feed, a dynamic product ad pops up to remind them about an item or service they’re missing.
Remarketing on Facebook through dynamic product ads could also take different forms, including;
How to Create a Retargeting Campaign
Before you can use Facebook remarketing ads, you must understand how to create a retargeting campaign on Facebook.
First, get your Facebook Ad account up and running. Note that you also need to set up your Facebook account for business ads before you can use the Facebook retargeting feature.
Then, install the Facebook Pixel on your website to monitor your web events and traffics. You can start your Facebook dynamic retargeting once you’ve installed the tracking code.
Follow the simple steps below:
Step 1. Login & Setup Your Audiences
Locate the dropdown menu and click on the “Create Audience” button at the top left on your screen. Since you’re setting up the Facebook retargeting ads, click on the “Custom Audience” option. This will allow you to set your remarketing campaign to reach your targets depending on your preferred choice.
Step 2. Setup Your Campaign
Now, to retarget your Facebook audience using Facebook remarketing ads, go to your Ads Manager and start creating your dynamic ad. Click on “Create Campaign,“ and then select your marketing objective. If you already have a product catalog on Facebook, select the “Conversions” option and proceed with your setup.
Step 3. Choose Who Sees Your Ad
To reach people that visited your website in the last 7 days, click “Website traffic,” and then “choose All website visitors in the past 7 days.”
To reach people that purchased from you recently, click “Website traffic.” Then from your events, choose the event under which you want to tracks purchases.
Note that this is not all about how to retarget audiences on Facebook using Facebook retargeting ads. The reason you’re selecting the “Website Traffic” option is to narrow your focus to people who have visited your website. There are also other targeting options that you could choose from.
Step 4. Obtain Your Pixel Code and place it on Your Website
You need the Pixel Code to start remarketing on Facebook. To get the pixel code, go to your “Audience” from your Ad Manager. Click on the recently created Facebook retargeting ad. Select Action and click on “View Panel“ from the dropdown menu. You would see the pixel code that you can place on your website.
Facebook Retargeting Tips for a Successful Remarketing Campaign
Now you understand how Facebook retargeting works and how to retarget audiences on Facebook. The next thing is for you to apply a good Facebook retargeting strategy for your ads to be a success.
Just like other ad campaigns, you must strategize to get the most out of them. It’s more than just getting their attention. The ultimate goal is to retain them in your purchase funnel. So, plan your retargeting Facebook ad campaign.
What categories of your audience do you intend to target? How do you intend to entice them? Perhaps you could offer free shipping or a huge discount. The point is that you must be strategic and specific.
You wouldn’t want your audience to perceive you as being too invasive and running out your budget isn’t what you want either. So, set reasonable timeframes and ad schedules. Also, remember to align your remarketing ads with your business goals.
Since you already have a business page, and some followers have already liked your page, that’s a great place to start. Remarket to those followers that have liked your page. Use the right Facebook ad type that engages your followers and allows them to interact with your brand. The logic is simple; you’ve captured their interest, which is why they liked your page. And there’s a high chance that they could become loyal, purchasing customers.
Finally, there’s room for improvement. While this guide to Facebook retargeting ads helps you get started, it’s up to you to examine the numbers. See what works and build on it.
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