Merely sharing a post or two on your social media channels for months at a time doesn’t really count as digital marketing. You can’t expect customers to come rolling in with a lousy graphic you’ve curated from Pinterest. If you want to step up your digital content marketing game to benefit your business, the best course of action is to learn tips straight from the pros.
The Complete Digital Content Marketing Mastery Bundle is an 8-pronged expert-led bundle designed to help marketers and business owners to make their respective brands go viral through proven marketing hacks. Taught by the likes of Benjamin Wilson, Isaac Rudansky, and Bryan Guerra, experts who are adept at making money online, you’ll get to grips with marketing on several popular platforms like Instagram and Facebook, as well as up and coming ones like TikTok.
You will discover how to grow a 5-digit following on Instagram organically, identify and target your customers on the behemoth of a platform that is Facebook, create engaging YouTube content and build a community, and generate traffic to skyrocket your brand on TikTok. There’s also a course on Google Ads to get you to familiarize yourself with PPC campaigns, along with an email marketing overview using Wix.
Equip yourself with the much-needed digital marketing skills suited for today’s landscape with this course. It usually retails for $1,392, but for a limited time, you can get it on sale for $34.99.
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