Strategies for Digital Marketing for Real Estate Developers

Been wondering how to use digital marketing to boost your real estate leads and sales? The experts have compiled the best strategies for digital marketing for real estate developers. These strategies will help boost your real estate digital marketing campaigns.

Best Strategies for Digital Marketing for Real Estate Developers

Develop Email Campaigns

No matter what industry, email marketing is an essential tool for digital marketing for real estate developers. The same is true for real estate. In fact, you should master this for effective digital marketing for real estate developers. Email marketing helps you build a direct professional relationship with your customers.

You can start capturing subscribers by offering something to your customers in exchange for their emails. This could be a free real estate selling or buying an ebook guide, a discount deal, etc. Then, you can do targeted campaigns and AB testing as you send out newsletters to your subscribers. You can use the following content in your campaigns:

Studies also show real estate email campaigns yield a 27% open and 3% click-through rate to its customers.

Double Your Advertising Efforts

The next strategy for digital marketing for real estate developers is advertising. It’s important to have ads since it’ll help you reach more customer base. You can try PPC advertising, where you pay Google whenever someone clicks on your ad and they get redirected to your website or listing.

Aside from PPC, make use of advertising on social media pages. Use Facebook Ads, sponsored posts, Youtube video ads, etc, to advertise your listings and business. You can incorporate these ads to your videos or webinars. Make sure to put a link or call to action button so that the customers can visit your listings easily.

Host Virtual Tours

Another strategy for digital marketing for real estate developers is hosting virtual tours. Since it’s still pandemic, this is the perfect time to maintain your listings. Make sure it’s in pristine condition so that you can take stunning images of your properties.

Make sure to highlight the angles and specialties of your properties to entice your customers. After taking images, you simply have to upload it in a virtual tour software and voila! You’ll have a stunning virtual tour in a few minutes! It also has an embed code so that you can publish your VR on your website and social media channels.

Host a Webinar

Since social gatherings are still prohibited, this is the perfect time to host webinars and online events. You can use webinars to communicate and connect with your customers. You can use webinars to share your knowledge and expertise in the real estate industry. This is effective digital marketing for real estate developers.

You can host a Q&A to address your customers’ concerns and inquiries, especially this pandemic. While hosting a webinar, make use of using your properties as a venue. Showcase your properties in your webinar to make an impression on your customers. Provide your contact information so that the clients will know where to contact you if they’re interested in your listings.

SEO Strategy

Last but not the least, don’t forget to always evaluate your SEO strategy. Make sure you’re using the right keywords for your business. Your blog posts and social media content must also be SEO-optimized to increase your rankings. Also, don’t forget to be active on your social media pages to connect with your customers. Invite your past clients to leave reviews and recommendations to boost your business.

Contact our professional real estate digital marketing agents now to upgrade your campaigns!

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