01 Apr Television Advertising During COVID-19 Quarantine
Quarantine, social-distancing, and isolation have become a typical part of life for most Americans during the current COVID-19 crisis. Efforts are being made all over the world to stop the spread of the virus, and these efforts have changed the ways in which we interact with one another. This “new normal” has created a huge societal shift in not only the personal lives of every American, but in the business world and in consumerism as well. So, how does a business that is struggling to maintain success in light of this “new normal” remain relevant in the minds of those that are stuck at home? Television advertising just may be the answer.
Local News Engagement during COVID-19
There has been a noticeable spike in viewership of local news stations between February and early March, which can be directly connected to the spread of COVID-19 around the United States. While local news stations are providing people with updates on the status of the COVID-19 outbreak, viewers are also seeking to stay informed on the impact of the pandemic on their communities. With schools and businesses closing and other safeguards being placed, there is a need for viewers to seek the everchanging status of their community, and local news can provide this information to them. In Kentucky, viewership of Governor Andy Beshear’s daily COVID-19 updates are so popular that meme pages and merchandise have become popular across the state, a testament of just how important local news has become.
In addition to seeking updates on the current COVID-19 crisis, it is safe to assume that increased viewership can also be attributed to social-distancing and quarantine efforts. Some states have a “stay-at-home” order, while others have closed all non-essential businesses and asked people to work from home. Because of this, local news experienced a 7 percent viewership increase of people 2 and older. This jump can be attributed to the increase of viewers at home for longer periods of time. Younger demographics are also getting more exposure to local news than before because of in-home learning efforts. Even more significant, local news accounted for 31% of all quarter-hours tuned in across broadcast the week of March 9th for people between the ages of 25 and 54, a primary selling demographic to many businesses.
Television Engagement and Advertising
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was estimated that about 70 percent of a country’s population could be reached with television advertising in a SINGLE DAY. In addition to the incredible reach that television can have in a single day, local news stations have become a reliable form of communication and connection during a time of social distancing, helping engage viewers even more. Television advertising during the COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to have extremely high reach rates and high rates of return.
Television can be targeted based upon days of the week, times of day, and specific programs, meaning that as a business, you could choose to base your ads during integral local news reporting in order to reach your demographic and make the most if your marketing initiatives during this trying time. If you don’t know how to get started, Media Venue can help. We specialize in a variety of traditional advertising mediums, and that includes television and streaming television. We can help you target the right people for your advertisements and get you prime advertising placements. With our vast knowledge of media, we will be sure to optimize the return on your marketing investment. Let’s get started today!
“In the ‘New Normal” of COVID-19, Local TV News Proves to be the Medium of Choice for News and Information.” Nielson, 24 Mar. 2020, https://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/article/2020/in-the-new-normal-of-covid-19-local-tv-news-proves-to-be-the-medium-of-choice-for-news-and-information/.