The 20 Best Digital Marketing Blogs to Follow in 2020

It’s no secret that digital marketing has significantly altered the online landscape. As new technology is developed and major disruptors continue to influence digital marketing’s evolution, marketing strategies must constantly grow and evolve in order to stay relevant.

The simple truth is this: In the ever-changing digital landscape, what worked today might not work tomorrow.

The key to delivering the best ROI is to stay abreast of the latest updates and trends in our field by adopting a student mentality. The most successful digital marketers dedicate time each week to staying ahead of the curve and understanding what works. But finding time to stay up to date with the dizzying array of algorithm updates, emerging technology, and the latest consumer data can seem nearly impossible for even the most veteran marketer.

To help, we’ve put together the following list of the 20 best digital marketing blogs to help you stay up to date with the latest SEO news and digital trends in 2020.

Read on for some incredible marketing content, prepare to bookmark most of them and see if your favorite digital marketing blog made the list. If not, please share your suggestion in the comments below – we’re always hungry for meaty marketing content, and we can’t wait to see what you’re reading, too.

1. The Moz Blog

The Moz blog, better known for its SEO toolset, is a blog that covers all topics related to search and inbound marketing. The blog gathers industry experts who contribute their experiences, advice, insights, how-tos and much more. It’s one of the best platforms to get the latest news about online marketing. The site includes proven insights on earning customers through winning search strategies.

  • Founder: Rand Fishkin and Gillian Muessig
  • Best For: Step-by-step how-to guides to help you learn SEO

2. Content Marketing Institute

The Content Marketing Institute is the leading organization on global content marketing education and training. It helps brands attract and retain customers through compelling and multi-channel storytelling. Naturally, its blog provides only the best ideas and expertise for content marketers every day. Its site has custom research and touches on topics like building your audience, measurement and overall industry news. CMI provides strategies from the greatest content marketers out there and is a must-read for anyone looking to get the industry’s best advice.

  • Founder: Joe Pulizzi
  • Best For: Content strategy, storytelling and blogging best practices


Search Engine Journal is widely seen as the go-to source for SEO news. It often sources news directly from Google and shares advanced tips around SEO and PPC. If you’re looking for the latest algorithm update or want to ensure your company is following best practices, SEJ is one of the first places your team should check out.

  • Founder: Loren Baker
  • Best For: The latest SEO news and updates

4. Search Engine Land

Search Engine Land covers entire aspects of digital marketing, advertising and promotions technology. It also features breaking news, trending topics and forecasts with data projections. Along with the in-house team, Search Engine Land entertains articles from subject matter experts that are equipped with proven success.The publication publishes blogs that allow the reader to take actionable insights to improve their online marketing efforts.

  • Founder: Danny Sullivan
  • Best For: Must-read news on search engine marketing and Google’s algorithm updates
  • Favorite Post: Should You Do 100% of Your SEO In-House?

5. Search Engine Roundtable

Search Engine Roundtable reports on the most interesting discussions taking place in the search engine marketing world. It enlists the help from several thought leaders in the SEM space to provide detail on popular topics that will inform novices and veterans alike. Consider this forum as the place to go when looking for consensus or best practices for anything related to SEM.

  • Founder: Barry Schwartz
  • Best For:  Catching up on the most interesting threads taking place in SEM forums
  • Favorite Post: Should You Do 100% of Your SEO In-House?

6. SEMRush Blog

Most know SEMRush for being one of the digital marketing industry’s top tools as an in-house toolkit that specializes in competitive research. But did you know it also has an outstanding blog for search marketing professionals? Its thought leadership content provides useful advice on everything from optimizing websites to link building strategies and everything in-between. It also helps readers make sense of any new algorithm changes so that your brand doesn’t miss a beat.

  • Founder: Oleg Shchegolev
  • Best For: Data-driven agency marketers & search marketing professionals
  • Favorite Post: A Guide to the Biggest SEO Myths on the Web

7. Search Engine Watch

Search Engine Watch provides tips and information for all things search engine related. It also includes analysis of the industry and offers insights to site owners trying to improve their visibility. The comments section is often engaging with authors and visitors often discussing the topic of the article at-hand.

  • Founder: Danny Sullivan
  • Best For: The latest stories on search engine marketing, SEO trends and PPC marketing

8. Marketing Land

Marketing Land is a sister publication of Search Engine Land. Their publication publishes daily posts including breaking stories, industry trends and tips and tricks of various aspects of the digital marketing industry. In addition to digital marketing best practices, the blog also touches on areas such as email marketing, social media and much more.

  • Founder: Danny Sullivan
  • Best For: Important upcoming launches and digital marketing announcements

9. Neil Patel

Neil Patel is one of the top marketers in the country who has built successful companies of his own such as KISSMetrics and CrazyEgg plus has consulted with several Fortune 100 brands. He possesses a level of marketing expertise unmatched by most of the industry. If you’re looking for actionable insights that can help drive results for your marketing program, look no further than Neil’s blog. His posts feature engaging content, primarily in video and podcast format that are useful regardless of where you’re at from a marketing standpoint.

  • Founder: Neil Patel
  • Best For: Tactical resources on how to get things done

10. HubSpot

HubSpot is the marketing automation company that invented inbound marketing. For those unfamiliar with the term, it’s the business strategy of attracting customers through valuable content. Naturally, there’s no company doing inbound better than HubSpot. A big part of its strategy is creating valuable blog content on almost every topic imaginable from a marketing standpoint. As a result, HubSpot’s blog is read by millions of marketers daily and is a go-to source for anyone looking to learn the most cutting-edge strategies.

  • Founder: Brian Halligan
  • Best For: Inbound marketing (Brian did coin the phrase, after all)
  • Favorite Post: The Best B2B Marketing Content: 10 Examples

11. Google Webmaster Central Blog

This blog provides official news from Google on all things related to crawling and indexing sites. It’s ideal for getting the latest updates related to getting your site indexed on Google. The information tends to be a bit more technical than some of the other blogs on this list. However, if you’re on the technical SEO side, there simply isn’t a better option for content than Google itself.

  • Editor-in-Chief: Gary Illyes
  • Best For: Webmasters & Technical SEOs
  • Favorite Post: The New Evergreen Googlebot

12. Crazy Egg’s The Daily Egg

Crazy Egg is a tool that provides heatmaps, scroll maps and click reports to show how customers are responding to various site elements. The blog delivers data-driven content, including tips to improve your site’s conversion rate. You’ll find posts about designing effective calls-to-action, improving landing pages and creating compelling copy. Founder Neil Patel makes the occasional post on The Daily Egg, although the bulk of his content is still on his personal website. Regardless, this blog remains one of the top authorities for conversion rate optimization.

  • Founder: Neil Patel
  • Best For: Conversion rate optimization tips, guides and original research

13. The Ahrefs Blog

The Ahrefs Blog helps marketing practitioners get better at SEO with how-tos and opinion pieces for marketers and industry experts alike. Their expertise is useful for beginners and skilled professionals alike with useful information around the SEO space. Ahrefs’ posts are typically pretty data heavy and dives into some of the tool’s features. While there are some blog posts that promote their products, the vast majority are about providing value to marketers using tried and true techniques.

  • Founder: Dimitry Gerasimenko
  • Best For: Tips & guides for link building, competitive research and backlink analysis

14. The Search Agency Blog

We naturally couldn’t talk about blogs without tooting our own horn. We have some of the country’s top experts in digital marketing – all of whom work with many household names across retail, e-commerce, real estate and more. Our team shares best practices for every digital channel with deep technical expertise you won’t find anywhere else. In 2020, The Search Agency will provide deeper insights and analysis to help marketers get a leg up on the competition. If you love marketing as much as we do, we hope you’ll subscribe to our blog or shoot us an email at [email protected]. Our team loves talking digital strategy.

  • Founder: David Hughes
  • Best For: Mix of helpful tips and guides, in-depth analyses and data-driven content around digital marketing trends, SEO and paid search

15. Backlinko Blog

Backlinko is a site founded by Brian Dean designed to give marketers the strategies and techniques to get higher rankings. His blog focuses exclusively on SEO and traffic-related tips to help marketers improve organic search traffic. In fact, he claims to offer new subscribers the same tips he used to double traffic in two weeks. All of his posts contain comprehensive guides to help marketers know everything they could ever need around a particular topic.

  • Founder: Brian Dean
  • Best For: Actionable SEO tips, strategies and case studies
  • Favorite Post: How To Build Backlinks: The Definitive Guide


Convince and Convert is hailed as the No. 1 content marketing blog in the world, according to Content Marketing Institute. The blog contains advice related to social media, content marketing, word of mouth marketing and the customer experience. The blog focuses on explaining the “so what?” for your business and includes topics like best email subject lines and how to optimize your website for voice search. Much of their content even includes templates so you can easily implement the recommendations that are provided.

  • Founder: Jay Baer
  • Best For: Content marketing, influencer marketing, word of mouth and CX
  • Favorite Post: How to Generate Leads with Content Marketing

17. Unbounce

If you have ever had to build a landing page, odds are that you know Unbounce. So it’s hard to think of anyone more qualified to provide conversion rate optimization tips than the team that helps marketers do just that. The Unbounce team provides useful insights on landing page effectiveness and lead gen best practices. For marketers looking to get more from their site visits, Unbounce is the place to go.

  • Founder: Rick Perreault
  • Best For: Copywriting tips and A/B testing strategies for landing page optimization

18. Social Media Examiner

Social Media Examiner is the world’s largest resource for social media marketing to help brands better connect with customers and generate awareness. This blog helps navigate the changing social media landscape and has original content to help marketers be on the leading edge of social media. Their content includes expert interviews, original research and comprehensive articles. Interestingly, the blog started in the middle of the Great Recession where its founder, Michael Stelzner, noticed that few were talking about how businesses could benefit from emerging social media platforms.

  • Founder: Michael Stelzner
  • Best For: Industry research, podcasts and the latest social media news

19. Think with Google

Although not an official blog, Think with Google has thought leadership on several advanced-level marketing strategies such as programmatic advertising, measurement and omnichannel. This publication features all of Google’s latest thinking in addition to the latest consumer insights.

  • Editor-in-Chief: Bethany Poole
  • Best For: Consumer insights, data visualizations and original research
  • Favorite Post: Why You Remembered that YouTube Ad

20. Yoast

Yoast touches on several topics related to websites and e-commerce such as content SEO, technical SEO, analytics and e-commerce sites. Their mission is to give all marketers the opportunity to rank in search engines with weekly tips on improving usability, conversions and, of course, SEO. They also provide the opportunity to download free plugins and new features in addition to the free beginner’s course.

  • Founder: Joost de Valk
  • Best For: SEO & tactical implementation tips for developers
  • Favorite Post: WordPress SEO: The Definitive Guide

Did we miss your go-to resource for SEO news and updates in the digital marketing world? Let us know!

The post The 20 Best Digital Marketing Blogs to Follow in 2020 appeared first on The Search Agency.