You’d think that San Francisco would be full of “digital marketing experts”. Well, surprisingly, not exactly. Ironically, many of the workers in San Francisco are technical programmers, software types, and (very wealthy) CEOs. Only a few know not only marketing but also digital marketing: SEO, social media marketing, Google Ads, Facebook ads, Instagram, LinkedIn, and all the rest of the crowd.
As a social media marketing expert in the San Francisco Bay Area, I define advertising on social media as “throwing a party”. Lots and lots of people have looked at videos on YouTube, made comments on Facebook, read a few posts on Twitter, and so on, but that is just showing up at the party. What you need to do to hold the party is to set up your Facebook page, add lots of interesting posts, get people to come and visit it, and persuade them to take whatever action you want them to take.
‘Tis What I Do
That could be joining your list, linking to another website, making a purchase from that website, promoting your page virally to their friends, and so on. That takes knowledge if you are going to do it properly, and a certain skill set. ‘Tis what I do for my clients. After all, if you are in business to make money, there is no point in “shooting the proverbial” on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or anywhere else because all you are doing is wasting your time.
If you run any sort of business, you have 101 other things to do in any case, so writing blog posts and posting comments and replying to them is probably not your “thing”. As a digital marketing expert in the San Francisco Bay Area, I can deal with that side of things for you while you get on with running your business.
It is not only about being noticed on Facebook and the rest of the gang. SEO is another very important skill, and it takes time to learn and understand. Why SEO is important is that, if done right, it is free advertising. Half of all clicks on Google go to the top three websites on the first page, so that is where you want to be. In fact, only 10% of people ever go on to page 2 of Google when searching for something, so if you are buried somewhere down on page 6 you have absolutely no chance.
As a digital marketing expert in the San Francisco Bay Area, I can get you where you need to be.
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