Are you one of those people who often finds themselves short of time, no matter what you do? Yes? Then you will love this list.
The Google Chrome extensions webstore (sounds exotic I know) is the perfect place to discover time-hack tools, helping you do things faster, so you can do more things! 😉
Here are 12 of my favourite extensions that help me as a social media marketer. If you use any other extensions please leave a comment and share the knowledge.
1.Hootlet – I rave about this Hootlet plugin whenever I get the chance. It’s a Chrome plugin for Hootsuite so if you are using Hootsuite and Chrome, this is a #nobrainer! Hootlet lets you schedule your social activity with just one-click of a button – this allows you to fill up your content pipeline while you are surfing the web. Cut your ‘time to schedule social media’ down to minutes instead of hours. Get it here.
2.Pin It – This Pinterest plugin is fantastic for pinning images straight from the web to Pinterest without having to go on the platform. Suddenly you will find you are pinning a lot more stuff with this in your browser! Get it here.
3.Tailwind – Takes your Pinterest activity a step further and allows you to schedule your pins from your Chrome browser – hello productivity! You get a decent free trail before you have to start paying monthly but if you are managing Pinterest for business it’s a must! Get it here.
4.Klout – If you don’t know what your Klout is, well you need to get on Klout! This extension allows you to share articles from the web straight onto your social media platforms with one-click. However, the feature I like best is being able to see other people’s Klout scores in your Twitter feed. This allows you to easily see influential Twitter accounts (and compare your klout score). Get it here.
5.Instagram – If you are a big Instagrammer then this chrome extension is for you!  (thanks to its creator Zach Allia!). The extension allows you to browse your feed and friends as well as liking and commenting on photos all in a handy little pop-up window. Great for keeping an eye on your notifications.  Get it here.
6. Grammarly – Writing social media posts all day for businesses can be a worry especially if spelling and grammar isn’t one of your strongest skills. Grammarly will take away the fear of making any errors by letting you know when there are any spelling or grammatical errors in any of your posts. Phew! Get it here.
7.Page Analytics – This Google Analytics plugin is great for helping you glance at important web page information; the number of sessions your web pages are getting, page views, time spent on page and bounce rate. What’s more, it’s real time information and you can set the date range just the same as when you are logged in to Google Analytics. Get it here.
8.Squirt –  Squirt is a handy tool if you are continuously reading blog posts (‘That’s me!’ I hear you shout!). Squirt helps you get through those posts faster by enabling you to speed read by showing you one word at a time from the post (in order of course!). It will then slowly speed up over time, training your brain to read faster. Get it here.
Jump to 26 seconds on the video below to see squirt in action –
9.Pocket – Pocket ‘does what it says on the tin!’  It pockets content on the web and allows you to view it at a later time without having an internet connection. This is great for all those blog posts that you don’t have time to read at your desk but have time to read on the underground or train. A great time-saving extension which allows you to catch up with your reading easily on the go. Get it here.
10.Hangouts – This plugin allows you to chat and/or make video calls without going into Google+. It pops up when someone starts chatting to you just like Skype! It makes starting a Google Hangout as simple as two-quick-clicks. Get it here.
11.No Follow  – No follow is great for seeing what links contain ‘SEO juice’ and what links don’t. When activated it highlights all no follow links within your browser in red. Handy for blogger outreach and generally keeping an eye on your links. Get it here.
12. Darkness – Being on Facebook all day can be a strain on the eyes-  not with darkness! It turns your desktop black to reduce the glare and give your eyes a break from a harsh white background. It’s surprising. Get it here.
That’s it for my favourite 12 Chrome Extensions but have I missed any awesome ones? Comment with your suggestions below.
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That Social Media Girl
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