The Best Digital Marketing Strategy for Manufacturers

The Best Digital Marketing Strategy for Manufacturers

Navigating through the vast world of digital marketing, especially for manufacturers, can seem like an enormous task, but worry not we’re here to demystify the best strategies that can catapult your manufacturing business in the digital age.

Embracing the Power of Content

Content is King – Engaging blogs, insightful whitepapers, case studies, web pages and blogs are not just words and figures. They’re your brand’s story, telling your audience all about your expertise and the cool stuff you’re doing in the manufacturing world. So, to tell your story the right way and captivate your audience try writing insightful and keyword positive blogs, then promote these blogs via social media and PPC.

SEO isn’t just a buzzword! Think about it: your potential clients are searching for your services online at this very moment, so doesn’t it makes sense to help them find you? With the right SEO strategies, your manufacturing business can shine at the top of search results, grabbing their attention swiftly and effectively. The key here is in the keyword planning, the more care you take with this part the more success you can expect to receive.

Let’s Discuss Your Marketing Strategy

Social media is still a fabulous way to get people talking about your brand, but we’re not talking about spending each and every day on Facebook and Tik Tok, instead we’re talking about sensible engaging, professional business posts on platforms like LinkedIn. By sharing your success stories, your technology, behind-the-scenes snippets and happy client moments, you can not only showcase your brand’s speciality but also your company personality. We find a mix between organic and paid posts works best here.

Emailers are still an incredibly powerful marketing tool, as you get the chance to talk to your personal audience (first party data), about the subjects and topics that interest them. Notice we use the word ‘them’ instead of ‘you’ here. It’s not about you, it’s about your audience and providing them with useful and insightful copy that informs and educates them on the subjects they care about. Make yourself a guide and a thought leader in your field, but don’t get too wordy on the email, instead we find it best to write a supporting blog post to direct the reader to from the emailer. This way you get a far better click through rate with your emailers and the audience onto your well optimised website, ready to be converted into customers.

PPC (pay per click)

Need a quick traffic boost to your website? You should dive into PPC advertising! PPC is Pay Per Click, where you pay search engines and social posts to display your ads to the right people at a time they’re looking to spend money. With well-crafted ads aimed at just the right audience, your manufacturing business can draw in potential clients and lead them right to your doorstep, right at the very moment they’re looking to spend some money.

Lights, Camera, Video Marketing!

Bring your manufacturing processes and products to life with video marketing! Engaging video content can offer a visual treat to your audience, giving them a closer look at what you do and how you do it, all while keeping things fun and engaging. Video is currently the most engaging and well performing marketing media, but you need to think carefully about how deep to go and what length the video should be. For most ads and subjects it’s best to keep the videos below a minute and to direct them onto a post or onto a longer video. But for certain subjects people are looking for more depth and detail, the research is key here to work out who you are placing the videos in front of and the depth of content they require.

Making New Friends: Partnerships and Collaborations

It’s not all about digital these days, sometimes it’s about who you know! Forming alliances and partnerships with other brands can introduce your manufacturing business to a whole new world of potential clients and opportunities. It’s all about growing together, isn’t it. LinkedIn groups are a great way to get started with this, but don’t go in selling, instead go in to be helpful. It’s not about selling, it’s about starting conversations.

It’s all about engagement

Getting clever with your marketing might have its challenges, but together, with the right strategies, your manufacturing business can reach new audiences and help your existing customers to spend even more with you.

With manufacturers, we find it’s more about initiating engagement and conversations than going for instant sales. The engagement and building trust ultimately provides the most profitable results, and over a longer period.

We’re here for you

And remember, we’re on this journey together! If you need a little more insight into any of these strategies, or just fancy a chat about digital marketing, we’re here for you. Let’s make your manufacturing brand shine online, shall we?

The post The Best Digital Marketing Strategy for Manufacturers appeared first on Brookstone Creative.

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