When you run a legal practice in 2023, it is easy to assume that the clients will come to you when they need legal advice or representation.
However, if your practice has not invested in SEO and digital marketing, then you may be doing yourself a disservice as, simply put, all of the other legal firms and lawyers in the surrounding area will have likely invested in both!
In 2023, the marketing trends you need to follow have changed for legal practices, and here, you will be walked through some of the best digital marketing tips to help your practice attract more clients.
Local SEO
Local search engine optimization, or SEO, cannot be overlooked in relation to legal practices. Of course, thanks to Zoom and Skype, you don’t need your clients to be in the same area as you, but it can make meetings easier.
Any company that offers SEO for lawyers & other winning digital marketing tips will talk about local SEO for lawyers, as it will put you at the top of the Google searches for legal practices in your area, thus helping you to attract more clients.
Jargon-Free Blogging
OK, the legal world is very technical, but when it comes to writing a blog for your website, you will want to use jargon-free language. This will help your website visitors to make sense of the services that you offer and will help to boost the SEO of the site. While it can sound cool to write an article explaining all the legal nuances of divorce law, for example, those technical words will not help boost your website to the top of Google search engine results!
Optimised Website For Voice Searches
Following on from that, most people in 2023 use the voice feature on their phone to look for services. So, a person may say something like, ‘Hey, Siri, find the nearest family lawyer to me.’ The language that is used in your blog needs to be chatty and friendly sounding to match words that may be searched for in voice searches.
Video Marketing
Why would a legal team need a vlog? This can be an area where you can talk about changes to the laws in the areas you represent. Video content is viewed more than written content, making it an ideal platform to talk about your legal practice, what you can offer, and changes in the laws, all while remaining jargon-free and fun. Try to keep the videos to under 2 minutes, and be sure to be friendly throughout them.
AI Chatbot
OK, so an AI chatbot is far from a new idea, but if you have a legal website, you will want all visitors to know that they are getting the attention they need, even if your legal team is not in the office.
A simple AI chatbot can help improve the website’s user experience and is a great way to improve your website’s SEO. It will also help if your website users are looking for something specific and do not have the time to look through the pages on your website.
The post The Best Digital Marketing Tips To Follow For Lawyers In 2023 appeared first on Article Event.
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