Our new video series, On the Fly brings you small bites (two mins or less) of marketing advice and training from marketing experts—delivered while they are on the road, at the airport, or traveling somewhere.
We are thrilled to be partnering with Convince and Convert to bring you this series, and our first episode features, none other than Jay Baer, its founder. Jay is a renowned marketing and customer experience expert, New York Times best-selling author of six books, and in this episode, he talks about B2B content cadence.
Marketers, we have all been there! You have just produced a great piece of content, but you are just not sure when to share it for maximum impact. You have seen the latest articles about a new supposedly optimal time to share content but know that all the other marketers have seen the same exact study. What should you do?
Jay says maybe you should think about zigging when everybody else zags. What does he mean? Because most B2B content comes out middle of the week, push yours out on Monday, or on Sunday, or even on a Saturday night when most people don’t get B2B content. Most importantly, test it for yourself. Just because someone’s data shows that most people do something midweek doesn’t necessarily mean that you should do the same thing. Test and experiment with different posting times to see what results in the best response for you.
Watch the full video here:
As inboxes are getting more crowded and other media channels are competing for your customer’s attention- sending the right content to the right audience at the most optimal time becomes critical.
Take the guess work out and let AI make the decision. Both Oracle Responsys and Eloqua marketing platforms are Send Time Optimization enabled. Read Send Time Optimization: Let AI Make the Decision for Youto learn more.