The digital marketing landscape is witnessing an enthralling shift – Discover what it is

The entire world is making a move from physical to virtual, and it is doing that at a lightning-fast speed. The rate at which science and technology are advancing today is breathtaking. 

Today, we have access to the things that we could not even dream about only the last couple of decades ago. 

Especially since the invention of the World Wide Web, anything you could ever want or need can be made available to you with only a few clicks of the mouse or taps on your smartphone or iPad screen.

If you do not go digital, you will go extinct

So, there is no denying that the world is going digital, and it is not stopping for anyone.

In this environment, it only makes sense for the corporate world to jump on the bandwagon as well. 

Any business that is hoping to survive in this era must have a substantial online presence. Any corporation refusing to go digital today might as well shut down their store and throw away the key themselves. Even on the marketing side, the digital is taking over the traditional.

The era of entrepreneurship is here

Whether on one side, this advancement in computer technology and artificial intelligence has signed a death warrant for organizations that do not want to go online; on the other hand, it has also provided the perfect opportunity and the environment for the eCommerce sector to grow. 

As a result, new online businesses keep popping up every passing day, and people are resigning from their jobs in droves to start their separate endeavours. However, running your own online business does not come without its challenges.

But running your own business is not as easy as you may think

Even though new startups are being introduced in the market day by day. It is only a tiny fraction of these new businesses that have a real shot at long term success. 

About 90% of new startups today die out before they have even seen the sun of their 120th morning!

One big reason for the failure of this huge percentage of new ventures is an oversaturation of the existing market. 

When it becomes as easy as ABC to set up your own business, every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the neighbourhood decides to give it a go. This leads to hundreds of thousands of companies offering the same products and services. 

Often, the quality of these commodities is also not very different between different brands, and as a result, this creates intense competition between all of them.

So, how do you conquer this overwhelming competition? What can you do to stand out of the crowd and make your presence known? Well, advertise yourself, of course!

The importance of digital marketing

As we have discussed earlier, the world has primarily been digitalized in recent years. Marketing yourself in traditional ways does not cut it anymore. 

Printing out brochures and fliers, and printing advertisements will not work anymore. Today, you need something more. You need to market yourself digitally.

Staying in 10% of the new online startups that are successful is the significance of marketing yourself digitally.

This is the reason why there are so many companies providing you with the services of professional digital marketing. The Outlook studios stand amid one example of services that can save your new business from dying out in its initial stages. Such agencies keep you from making deadly digital marketing mistakes that could doom your entire venture.

Is digital marketing a new thing?

But even digital marketing is something we all have been seeing since forever. The commercials on television and radio have been there before we were born as well. So, what exactly is so new about this concept?

Admittedly, digital marketing is not a new way to promote one’s business. However, the techniques involved in digital marketing strategies have vastly changed over the years. The digital marketing landscape is witnessing an enthralling shift, and what exactly this means is what we will discuss in the next few paragraphs.

Digital marketing – The old and the new

With the continued and massive advancement in computer technology and software, we have seen new and increasingly effective ways of digital marketing coming up. These include SEO, PPC, live chats, adaption to voice searches, social media marketing, content marketing, and much more.

1) Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization, or more commonly known as SEO, is a world-class digital marketing tactic that promotes your website to the top of the search results page on a search engine. 

We already know how it is only the first few results to a search query on Google that ever gets clicked on. SEO refers to a series of practices that make your website a preferable one to put in that coveted top position.

Following the algorithm of Google, SEO experts will design and modify your site in ways that will get you on the top of all results, and hence, more likely to get clicked on.

2) Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click or PPC is very much like SEO. However, there is one big difference that sets them apart. Whereas in SEO, your website reaches the top position organically, in PPC, it is put there artificially. The working principle after it is the same. Being on the top makes you more reliable in the eyes of consumers and hence, increases your website traffic.

Every time you score a click through a PPC link, you pay the search engine a predetermined amount of money.

3) Live chat boxes

Now, interactive chat boxes are again something that has been around for a while. However, they are still very effective and not half as old as radio or television adverts – what we in this blog are considering to be the ancient digital marketing practices.

Using live chat boxes allows the business to entertain their consumers during off-hours, and gives a personalized customer service experience. This ingenuity of the interactive chat boxes is what has made them worthy of being featured on our list.

When the live chat box feature is turned on, an automated message will appear when a customer texts a business. These automated messages can be customized according to the question customers are most likely to ask, saving both – their and your time.

4) Social media marketing

Last but not least, this list would be incomplete if we did not mention the genius that social media marketing is. 

With the entire world using and scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter every day for hours at a time, marketing yourself on social media is probably the best thing that you could do for the publicity and sales of your new business – especially if it is an online venture.

Why this works so high is because social media is where the people are. It allows you to not only build stronger, deeper, and more meaningful relationships with your existing customers but also help you meet new consumers and gives you a chance to convert them into your loyal customers.

The final word

Have you made the shift to modern digital marketing practices yet? 

How many of the above tactics are you using to advertise yourself? What is your favourite method of promoting your small business, and why? 

Comment down below and give us all the deets.

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