No matter what business you are in, it is vital that you keep on top of your marketing activities at this time. As you can still carry on with your digital marketing without needing to be in physical contact with your client base this is the best option for you right now.
It is important to keep marketing your brand, improve your SEO, and continue to raise awareness of your products or services if you want to retain existing customers and attract new customers from your target audience.
As a lot of your existing and potential new clients are spending more time in isolation at home you could say that you have a very captive audience that may be turning to the internet and social media for information, contact and entertainment right now.
Your digital marketing practices, just like your other business practices, can be adjusted to help get you through the lockdown and be used for forge even stronger bonds with your customers.
Let’s take a look at what social and digital marketing tools and techniques you should be using more now and how it can benefit your business during the lockdown and beyond.
Digital marketing tools: This refers to the wealth of tools you have at your fingertips, such as planning and running Google AdWords campaigns and using MailChimp split email marketing to send tailored campaigns to your different audiences or targeting warm and cold prospects with different messages and offers.
Digital interviews and discussions: The lockdown has seen an explosion of savvy business people taking to YouTube and other video and virtual streaming channels to hold interviews and record testimonials with leading influencers or successful people in their field. You can talk about your products and services and discuss their benefits or how they have helped individuals to resolve their issues.
Social media marketing: During the lockdown, social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram etc. have seen a huge spike in user activity. Other than for keeping in contact with friends and family, people use social media to keep up to date with their favourite brands and business news. This is an ideal time to put more effort into your social media accounts to boost your brand personality, engage with your customers and offer plenty of useful advice and information that they will find useful.
Content marketing: As businesses will now have more of a captive audience and more people will be relying on digital media channels for news and information, now is a great time to create and release interesting press releases and creating content for news sites. A lot of businesses have been posting articles about how they are approaching the pandemic and what steps they have taken to protect their staff while still delivering a service to their customers. Positive news like this can be reassuring for your audience and will still help to create a buzz about your brand because you are showing the human side of your business.
Video marketing: Many businesses use video marketing as a part of their social media marketing strategies. Short, informative videos allow you to get your message across in a fun and visual way that doesn’t need any concentration from your audience. Video’s grab the attention of your customers and if you make them easily shareable via social media, your customers are more likely to share a short, useful video than a lengthy article.
Your choice of digital marketing tools will depend on the type of business you run. But regardless of your niche or industry, there are a few general rules that you should stick to with regard to your marketing approach. Here are things to consider:
Don’t forget to reach out for professional help when you need to. Our team at Bright Click are here to support your digital marketing, content marketing and social media marketing strategies.
Why not get in touch with us at the Bright Click today to discuss your need. We are here to help!
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