The latest digital marketing hacks and tools for full stack marketers

A list of digital hacks and tools for full-stack marketers

First of all, think through your most tedious, low-skilled, weekly tasks. If you find them cumbersome, chances are, other marketers are bound to have felt the same frustrations as you. It’s likely that, somewhere in the world, someone created the technology to help themselves and others overcome whatever the challenge at hand is.

I always look at pain points as opportunities and so if there’s ever something that takes a while to complete, its easy to find a solution (or a hack as some might say). In the below article, I’ve combined a list of marketing tools and chrome extensions that I regularly use to automate a few of my daily activities, to be more efficient and to get results faster.

That’s what being a full-stack marketer is all about. Getting stuff done, and getting results.

“The full-stack marketer is multi-skilled. However, the difference lies in how the full-stack marketer excels through action, i.e. they have the practical working knowledge, not just an understanding, meaning they are at home editing PSDs one minute and optimising a website for search the next and always pushing to learn and adapt. This breadth of skill enables them to challenge those around them to drive for growth and more importantly get stuff done!” – Gavin Llewellyn

One of my greatest sources for discovering new tools and chrome extensions is Product Hunt. Whenever you find yourself in a pickle, or you just want to increase your output, I’d recommend you sign up to their email list to be the first to discover tools as they’re released and get the most out of your working days… #earlyadopter

A copy of the presentation is included at the bottom of this post. Please note that not all tools will be applicable to you and your organization. Also, please use the following tools at your own discretion. As Erwan Derlyn mentioned in a previous Marketing Minds blog post, the best advice he has ever received:

“Be patient: Don’t take shortcuts, no “growth hack” ever led to sustainable growth”

Ps. This post is not sponsored.

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