The Process of Creating a Digital Marketing Sales Funnel

Understanding the mechanics of online sales is paramount to building a successful . This is how traffic translates into actual money. Even if you are already making money through your funnel, is it viable?

According to , marketers experience difficulty in determining the ROI of their marketing campaigns. You need a highly targeted digital marketing sales funnel.

A marketing funnel has the same objective as the physical funnel in the real world. It is supposed to get things from one point to another. The difference is that you don’t need to clean a digital funnel every time you use it.

Also, with a , you get to see the number of leads you have engaged and those who are interested. You also see the ones who have responded and those who finally purchase from you.

Basically, a sales funnel enables you to measure how effective your digital sales funnel is. You can then identify errors and make corrections when necessary.

The Need for a Sales Funnel

Some people feel that sales funnels are obsolete in today’s world. They feel that because buyers are unpredictable, a sales funnel does little good if any for their business.

However, research shows that leads who went through nurturing and followed a sales funnel averagely made purchases that were more in value than those who did not follow any funnel.

nurturing leads is an important step in digital marketing sales funnel as customers spend moreLeads nurtured through a sales funnel will spend 47% more money than those who have not gone through a funnel.

A great sales funnel works as both a filter and a marketing tool. Not only does it bridge the gap between you and your leads, but also ensures that only qualified leads go to the next stage.

How to Create a Digital Marketing Sales Funnel

A sales funnel consists of the following: email series, ad campaigns, free giveaways, discounts, and landing pages.

The winning formula is to gradually use sales techniques that result in a compelling offer. For example, you can start with informative emails that gradually become sales copy.

a digital marketing sales funnel results in better results and prevents you from cold callingThe sales funnel is the exact opposite of cold calling. A funnel gives you as much as ten times the response rate you get from random email blasts.

This is the total opposite of cold calling. Cold calling involves sending random emails, which explains why it brings such poor results. You get success by striking a balance between being nice and being a salesman.

A funnel also helps you get sales increases on a scale of one to three-digit percent in sales. Lead nurturing emails receive between of random email blasts.

What to Do To Ensure That Your Funnel Works

Make sure that the leads you get are suitable for your funnel. You don’t want to confuse and send emails for one funnel to another. Those customers have different needs.

When creating an email series, try to be as informative as possible. Remember that your prospects did not sign up just to be bombarded by sales messages. Let your prospects look forward to the next newsletter.

you muct establish yourself as credible and trustworthy for your digital marketing sales funnel to workThe golden rule is to establish yourself as much as possible before selling. Prospects should perceive you as credible and trustworthy.

Establish yourself as much as possible before trying to sell. Portray yourself as a professional as this is the only way to build credibility and trust. Create eBooks and video guides.

The final stage of  is to sell. Show your prospects that your offer is exactly what they need. At this point, you have permission to sell hard.

This article has shown you why it is important to have a sales funnel. You also know why it is important to establish yourself as an expert before trying to sell.

Thanks to our years of experience in the digital marketing space, we know how to create digital sales funnels that work. That’s why we are known as the . Contact us and we will help you move mountains.