The Right Stuff for Your Digital Marketing – Kurtz Digital Strategy

Where should you be online?Where should you be online?  That’s a question that every business needs to answer as they develop a digital marketing strategy. There is no one right answer for all businesses. Here’s how you can find the right places for your brand.

Google Yourself

Know it or not, your brand likely has a presence online. Anything you have done online creates a digital footprint.

Start your research by Googling yourself to see where you are already online. Working with your existing online presence can give you good momentum online.

Understand Your Customer

Part of understanding your customer is knowing where they spend their time online. You also need to know what influences their purchasing decisions. That insight tells you where you need to be marketing.

Customer awareness will also give you insight into what to share in your marketing. You need to speak to your customers needs and interests. That helps you understand the forms your marketing needs to take to be effective.

Know Your Strengths

Your strengths are another important factor in deciding where to market online. If you love to create video, then video channels are going to work well. If you don’t like to write, a blog may not be for you. Your comfort and agility with your own marketing will influence perceptions of your brand. Focus on the channels that reflect you best.

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