The SEO Myths Destroying Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Search engine optimisation, known worldwide as SEO, is the cornerstone of digital marketing, alongside social media and effective marketing strategising. While businesses recognise SEO as an online component they need to address, even master, the wealth of incorrect knowledge and misleading assumptions flooding the internet make it impossible to truly understand the right pathway for any SEO strategy, new or redeveloped.

In this article, we debunk the four most persistent SEO myths destroying the digital marketing efforts of every business, clarifying why these myths aren’t true, and explaining how to address these concerns in your business easily.

Myth 1: SEO isn’t needed

There will always be one brand who defies the rules of digital marketing, who built their million-dollar empire from word of mouth marketing alone, and who claims never to have engaged in SEO for their website or online presence. This brand is an exception to the rule and is potentially lying about the digital grind behind their success. SEO is king; search engine optimisation is how you are defined and found on the world’s biggest stage, and ignoring this concept will only leave you behind your competitors, and the marketing evolution.

Myth 2: The Minimum is Enough

Succumbing to the SEO phenomena isn’t enough. While we just mentioned ignoring the concept isn’t the solution, implementing the bare minimum also isn’t sufficient to remain competitive in this cut-throat digital age. A successful one-time SEO campaign may have proved profitable in the short term, but the efforts won’t last your business long enough to survive. The basics to successful SEO is continual manipulation and implementation, evolving with the market, trends and concepts, and actively perusing increased search rankings regularly.

Myth 3: Keyword Stuffing Works

An SEO strategy that has long been dismissed by digital marketing consultants and experts is the notion of keyword stuffing. The concept is where your keywords are either repeatedly listed in one section of your copy, unnaturally used in the body of text or blogs, or used as a separating device for page content creation. While this approach initially was successful during the infancy of digital marketing, Google has long developed ways of identifying spam-like content that uses this approach, blacklisting them or downgrading their ranking as a result.

Myth 4: SEO didn’t work, so it will never work

Your only time implementing an SEO strategy didn’t provide you with any ROI, so naturally, this course of digital marketing is a fail. Unfortunately, this popular misconception is one of the most harmful assumptions, as there are many factors why businesses fail with their digital marketing strategies, and it’s impossible to blame SEO entirely.

A successful SEO strategy is multifaceted. Broadly put, a profitable SEO strategy involves concrete foundations, such as tailored, mature website design, dynamic keyword research, proper market research, and implementation using the latest search engine tactics and marketing processes.

SEO can easily fail when one or many of these factors are broken or misaligned to the business or implemented incorrectly. Companies who’ve experienced this failure need the expertise of digital marketing specialists, whose services are in keeping with modern search engine practises and industry expectations. SEO experts can quickly identify the shortcomings of any online campaign, and can promptly advise where the business must improve to remain competitive.

Myths Debunked?

We’ve only begun to scrape the surface of many fundamental SEO misconceptions, and how businesses are falling into the trap of believing outdated concepts. As the online space evolves, so should your business, and at vLinkD, we are continually looking at ways of providing businesses with digital solutions, rather than obstacles. Contact us today to revolutionise your marketing strategy, and begin leaving your footprint in the digital space.

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