Optimized Digital Marketing Strategies for Lawyers Your Firm Should Be Using into the New Year!
More people get their information and compare services online than ever before. If your law firm doesn’t actively market in the digital arena, any hard-earned competitive edge could be lost without the right lawyer marketing services.
For many legal practices, attorney websites act as a window to their expertise for the world. Employing a viable strategy to optimize online presence remains crucial. When it comes to outranking other local (or in some cases national) law firms, substantive visibility remains a must.
Unsure of how you can utilize lawyer SEO marketing to supersede your competitors online? GOA-TECH has put together some of our favorite strategies that can help you increase engagement and performance in 2020!
ADA Compliance and Accessibility
Lawyer marketing services depend on accessibility, speed, and mobility.
Your firm should work to serve everyone in an online space. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean providing legal insights and services outside of your practice area. What we refer to by saying serve everyone is engaging in the prerequisite legwork to keep websites ADA compliant and functional for those with disabilities, in addition to ensuring your website stays operationally functional.
Our team regularly works with legal specialists in the South Florida community. With many years of helping clients with law firm website design in Miami, one thing we’ve learned is that it’s also better to ditch the glitz and glam of certain features in favor of faster load times for viewers.
Finally, ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. A mobile-friendly website design prevents losing out on a major audience that does the majority of their browsing on smartphones or tablets.
Social Media and Reviews
The legal system can be notably intimidating to the average person, especially when they’ve never needed an attorney before. Nonetheless, the advent of social media makes it easier than ever for attorneys to generate leads without compromising their professional image.
GOA-TECH recommends sharing snippets of information that reflects what attorneys and the firm feel passionate about. This might include case information or why they became legal professionals in the first place.
By demonstrating this more relaxed side to a vast pool of prospective clients, your firm may appear more approachable and down to earth.
Readers will also want to find legal help that they can trust. Modern users will place significant trust in former clients to tell them what they need to know.
Maintain diligence with your lawyer marketing services. Gather great reviews from clients and build a strategy around making things as easy as possible to leave one.
Cost-Conscious, Effective Content Marketing
One of the biggest issues that any company, law firm, healthcare provider faces is that top-caliber content creation requires a significant investment. While financial overhead may not be a problem, the added channels of producing content in a timely and topical fashion to match a rapidly changing legal and regulatory landscape can produce unique challenges.
Cost-effective content doesn’t mean sacrificing overall quality. This simply means putting a plan in place to increase visibility for a large audience while it remains relevant. Just creating content isn’t enough. Any marketer must devise and enact a plan, in addition to a budget to promote their content.
Another method of lawyer marketing services that experience great results is revisiting and refreshing old content that clients already love. Updating old articles and content pages with chapters on working remotely and republishing across all mediums is especially topical during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic for example.
Well-researched articles and written content can additionally lay a solid foundation for other content mediums like video blogs, presentations, or ongoing social media posts.
Law Firm Website Design and Digital Marketing in Miami | GOA-TECH
Modern law firm traffic largely stems from web-based sources. Formulating a digital marketing strategy working with lawyer SEO marketing remains essential to drive clients into the physical office.
You can start a strong internet marketing campaign with our SEO agency GOA-TECH today! Reach out to our experts to learn more on how we can benefit your legal firm!
The post Three Digital Marketing Strategies Your Law Firm Should Be Using appeared first on GOA-TECH.
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