Throwback to the digital marketing review

Throwback to the digital marketing review

Last December, the students from the MSc Digital Marketing presented their digital marketing recommendations. This comes as part of the project consulting with their company. The digital marketing review represents the hard work to answer the company’s business goals.

Le Comparateur presentation

Here is Le Comparateur team

The project consulting, an enriching and professional experience

Throughout the semester, the students closely worked with their company. As a team, they analyzed the company’s environment with methods and strategic tools to build a digital marketing strategy.

Oriane, the project manager of the Aquarêve project, enjoyed working with her company: “The team was very dynamic and motivated. As Aquarêve doesn’t have specific knowledge in digital marketing, they were very open to our ideas. This experience was enriching and allowed us to work on different aspects of digital marketing, such as web design, SEO, Google Ads…”.

Indeed, the project consulting tackles a company’s business goal. Thus, the students are encouraged to deliver a professional work. Frédéric Bossard, the director of the program and coach, highlights “the quality and the professionalism of the final presentations”. This is the main reason why the professors are very satisfied.

Mes Curiosités presentation

Here is Mes Curiosités team

A project full of challenges

“It was a great experience! I really enjoyed hearing the company’s live feedback. Sharing our work with them was fulfilling.” said Léa, a team member of the Cultures en Ville project. Tracy, who is also part of this project, supported this point. She believed the team was well-prepared to defend its idea and to answer the company’s doubts.

As Mike Castro Demaria said, “the reviews really showed that our students are capable of understanding the company’s issues. They are also skilled to bring a solution with an outside perspective that takes into account the big picture”. Indeed, some companies struggle to embrace the digitalization. Therefore, it is important for the MSc’s students to work with them while understanding their concerns. Finally, thanks to the review, companies realize that digital is a mandatory asset to reach their business issues.

Art for Ness presentation

Here is Art for Ness team

Next round in April! 

As 2020 started, the second part of the project consulting started too! The students keep working closely with the companies to implement their digital marketing strategy.

According to M. Castro Demaria, the challenge of this semester is real. It will be about maintaining the high quality of the work and to surpassing it. This will be an actual challenge as most of the students will be actively looking for their end-of-studies internship at the same time.

See you in April!

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