Web Designing Interview Questions
Following are most frequently asked Web Designing Interview Questions & Answers for both beginners as well as experienced Web Designers.
These common questions are more like a jump start towards your design job, and fully prepare you for your job interview.
As companies increasingly rely on attractive web pages to build up their businesses, web designing’s importance is constantly increasing. High quality web pages attract people to dig in deep for detailed information and to engage in different activities with the company.
These general questions help the hiring team get to know better about you and your interest in the position:
What can you tell us about yourself?
What thing motivates you to do your best while designing?
What is your biggest accomplishment till date in this field?
What are your biggest strengths?
What are your biggest weaknesses in terms of potential?
What interests you most about this position we are offering?
These industry-specific questions help the hiring team assess your qualifications and determine whether your objectives align with those of the organization.
What is your working style?
What type of digital marketing platforms and software do you use?
What sources do you follow and read regularly?
What do you like most web designing?
What do you like least about your profession?
What are your thoughts on web designing philosophy?
Can you describe your greatest accomplishment till date in web designing?
Web Designing Interview Questions and Answers
Q. 1) What is web designing and what are its uses?
Web designing is best defined as creating different websites and pages to show a company’s brand and information and ensure a good experience for the user. Appearance and design are two vital elements for designing a website, mobile app or maintaining content on a web page.
Q. 2) Name the main language or platform used for web-design?
Q. 3) What is HTML?
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the standard markup language for the different documents created to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies like scripting languages such as JavaScript.
Q. 4) Explain how can a developer learn about web design?
Following tips will definitely help you:
Q. 5) What do you mean by Responsive Design on a web page?
Responsive design is a process to building different sites to provide an optimal viewing and virtual experience. It primarily puts focus on easy navigation of site with very less scrolling, panning and resizing across all types of devices.
Q. 6) Differentiate HTML tags and elements?
HTML elements can let you communicate to a browser on how to provide text, when surrounded by the angular brackets <> they are directly termed as HTML tags. Generally, the modules come in sets and include texts.
Q. 7) What is a CSS File? What is the purpose of its use?
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) help to control and oversee text dimensions, styles and site shading blends that are used as a part of a site page. It records roll out worldwide appearance improvements in CSS document, which will imply that any of the pages, if using that CSS record will show the progressions.
Q. 8) Describe the use of CSS float in Web Designing?
It is popularly used when we need to influence an element of our web page to be pushed to one side or left and influence different components to wrap around it.
Q. 9) How can a website be optimized?
Q. 10) Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of using a CSS framework?
Q. 11) What would be your choice of color for the “delete” button?
While making the “Delete” button, make it more prominent by using colors like red as it is a sign of caution and attracts more attention of the users, especially when you have to show two buttons side by side.
Q. 12) Why is it preferred that a graphic containing several words should be saved in GIF?
It is always preferable to store the image in GIF format because if the image consists of certain words JPG file has features that may render the fonts.
Q. 13) While writing an error message what all things you need to take into consideration?
You need to take following things in consideration:
Situation Based Web Designing Interview Questions
Q. 14) What are the key responsibilities as a web designer?
It is a quite good opportunity to go after long conversations and brag about your organizational skill set and a golden chance to prove the interviewer that you will be a trusted asset. Even though you are a creative creature, you are still no stranger to rules and responsibilities so that the teammates and your employer can rely on you.
Talk about your roles in previous successful projects and how you have handled them through time and if they have anyhow helped increase your knowledge or polish your skills, then it is the perfect time to mention about all these factors.
Q. 15) In what way will you handle the harsh criticism from a client?
There is no interview at all that goes by without this question being highlighted. Every employer is highly interested in knowing the different ways you will put in to deal with criticism since artists take signs of rejection of their work quite personally. As for clients, sometimes they can be highly opinionated, but you still need to manage to work with them.
It is here where you need to display your different communication skills. Good web designers never resists towards making any changes to their work. In fact, professional designers always appreciate a bold feedback and can efficiently deal with criticism since it helps them grow constructively.
Every employer is looking for a web designer who can reach a common ground with the clients and quickly adapt according to the new demands. So go ahead and tell your interviewer about a time you received criticism but still managed to find common ground leaving everyone happy.
Q. 16) What are the first questions you ask a client?
Often this question may sound like “What will be your first step after joining the company?” Your interviewer wants to know more about whether you dive into work right away and only focus on facts or give some thoughts to the project trying different approaches.
It is crucial that you prove to your potential employer that you do not make any unnecessary assumptions or lazy thoughts since they can be misleading. A good web designer will conduct detailed research on the task at hand and prepare a list of questions and focus on the needs of the client.
Q. 17) Do you have any experience with UX design?
Hyper-personalized experience is the foundation of our very future. Although it is entitled of UX specialists, still web designer plays a significant role in bringing UX solutions. It is an obligation to know the basics of good user experience and apply them practically in the projects. Thus, you need to feel comfortable discussing this issue.
Even if you have never dealt in this field, you can still make a good impression on your interview with basic knowledge of the topic and some good tips mentioned by the UX professionals. On top of that, you can talk about how you can implement the research findings into your designs to make it better if you have an opportunity to work with a UX designer.
Q. 18) What makes the top of the trend list these days?
This question may often sound like, “Do you follow the latest trends?” This is a brief test of your knowledge about the industry. Whatever attitude you have towards the current trends, the answer to always be “Yes.” No one wants to deal with a person who feeds upon old-fashioned ways. Companies want to see and feel fresh on the web. You need to stay on top in terms of knowledge and general awareness, even if you are a novice. Therefore, stay in touch with new trends.
It is also essential to know about their pros and cons. Explain to your interviewer about what you think is the most exciting trend and how you plan to deal with it.
Q. 19) Give some bad examples of web design?
It is crucial to know some bad examples and poor practices which have been done and how to avoid them at any cost.
If you want to play safe, you can list these elements as bad practices:
Finally, always remember the three basics of good website design, which are responsiveness, user-friendliness, and accessibility.
Q. 20) What is an optimized website? How you create one?
Web developers are responsible for the work with optimization, web designers performs a significant role here as well.
The potential employer wants a person who understands the utmost importance of optimization and knows basic principles.
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