For an entrepreneur, the ultimate aim of creating a social media presence is not just to have followers. Getting followers is only the first step of every social media marketing strategy. Monetizing the connections on social networks and converting followers into customers is usually the final target.
According to Statista, entrepreneurs invest in several marketing options, of which social media is No. 1. By interpretation, taking advantage of social media is a digital marketing strategy that increases the ROI of any business.
If you are like most entrepreneurs who want to convert social media followers into customers, brace up! Below are the top 25 tactics to convert social media followers into customers.
1. Plan & Strategize
Creating a proper marketing plan is essential to the success of your efforts. Come up with a plan on how to turn followers into customers, and set realistic goals. Whether it’s brand awareness, lead generation, or growing sales, you should be strategizing with your team to come up with an effective plan.
Some important things to consider when planning:
2. Work with Multiple Social Networks
To turn social media followers into customers, you must have an active presence on multiple social media platforms. This will help you reach a wider audience and maximize the number of potential customers you can convert.
Also, know the best time to pot on these platforms. Check out our guides for the Best Time to Post on TikTok or Instagram for Maximum Engagement.
3. Understand Your Target Audience
Understanding the preferred social media platform and buying behavior of your target market is an absolute necessity. This knowledge will help you make informed marketing decisions. With an in-depth understanding of your target audience, you can create more persuasive content using common language, themes, & styles valued by your target audience.
4. Offer Social Media Customer Service
When it comes to support, social media is typically the first place customers go to get help. People are usually pleased with getting prompt and reliable support when they need it. Use that to your advantage.
Provide your followers with unbeatable customer service even on social media. You’ll surely win them over and even retain them.
5. Remain Consistently Active on All Platforms
You’ve got to be consistent if you want to turn social media followers into customers. Manage your social media pages like you mean business. By staying active on all platforms you’re exposing the target audience to your brand through multiple channels. As many marketers know, it takes roughly 6-8 touchpoints before you make a sale.
This is why remaining active & engaged on all platforms can help create the strongest presence for your brand. Which in turn creates the strongest relationship between your brand & followers.
6. Try Some Automation Tools
It’s sometimes impossible to manage your social media presence daily. Especially if your business is not big enough to have a dedicated social media management team. If that’s your case, you could use automation resources like Sprout Social and Buffer.
7. Offer Great Deals to Followers
Engaging your followers is one thing. Giving them a reason to follow you is another. However, rewarding them with occasional promotional offers is quite effective in converting followers to customers. So, asides from links, images, GIFs, and videos, post promotional offers too.
8. Do Giveaways. Run Contests
The idea here is to take advantage of User-Generated Contents. Engaging your current followers with profitable contests gives you a higher chance of pulling more followers to your page. Not to mention, with Instagram Giveaways you generate massive social reach which gives you a huge opportunity to recruit more followers & potential customers.
9. Have a Unique Landing Page
Landing pages are a useful tool for lead conversion. Redirecting followers to your homepage isn’t always the best. So, if you’re serious about converting followers into customers, having a dedicated landing page where you redirect social media followers will be essential.
10. Work with Micro-Influencers
Nowadays, consumers like to listen to their favorite social media influencers to get product recommendations. This means social influencers play a huge role in converting followers to customers. In fact, much so that Influencer Marketing has become a tremendous channel for brands & businesses alike.
However, some influencers & celebrities are out of many small businesses advertising budget range. This is where micro-influencers come in handy! Micro-Influencers have a smaller audience but a greater sphere of influencer with their followers because they can dedicate more time & energy to each one. Making Micro-Influencers perfect brand ambassadors or sponsors to help grow your business.
11. Focus on the Social Media Platform that Perform
There’s a greater chance of converting followers into customers if you can identify the platform that engages your followers more. With the analytic tools on social media platforms, you can see which site favors your business. Once you do, channel your energy in that direction until it becomes a self-propelling machine.
12. Reward Loyal Followers
Set the criteria that qualify a follower to enjoy certain benefits. Once you do, offer an enticing reward, such as discounts, and ensure you deliver on your promise. Updating your page with rewards for loyal followers is another cool smart tweak to convert social media followers into customers.
13. Leverage on the Powerful Content
A great way to attract more followers and convert existing ones into customers is with powerful content. On any social platform, content is king. While each platform does have its unique content styles, all social media platforms revolve around connecting people through content.
By creating content with value, that is well-edited you can captivate the attention of just about anyone. Consistently providing professional-grade content will make you a powerhouse on any social platform. Determine which platform you can create the best content and stick with it.
14. Create Shareable & Engaging Content
If you’re looking to boost your organic reach to attract more followers think about creating content that is easily shareable & engaging. For instance, social media challenges can be a great way to spread a brand message & get your audience engaged. Think about what your audience values and how you can create content around that. Sometimes a great meme can become one of the most sharable pieces of content.
15. Apply the Pareto Principle
This principle is commonly known as the 80/20 rule: 80% of your content should be value specific content, while 20% should be promotional content. This is a golden rule for not over advertising to your audience, the goal is to create a brand character that your audience relates to. Not force daily sales & discounts on them.
16. Try Using CTAs at the Beginning of Your Posts
It’s been observed that links placed at the end of social media posts tend to get fewer clicks. So, avoid it. Rather, see how you can place the links at the beginning or about the quarter-point of your post.
17. Use Hashtags to Boost Traffic
Using relevant hashtags have a way of getting you more traffic. Using hashtags helps you reach more people, and increases your chances of getting more clicks, which could lead to purchase.
18. Avoid Lengthy Content
Long contents tend to bore followers, making them scroll to the next item pretty quickly. So, keep it short. This is another one of the social media conversion tips that give more clicks.
19. Watch Your Words
Think about it. Sometimes, your choice of words affects how followers react to your posts. Certain works get followers excited, while some others kill their vibe. So, be careful with the words you use in your posts.
20. Test Until You Attain Perfection
Remember that business goals diver. What works for A might not necessarily work for B. So, test your strategies and see how they Pan out. Tweak, and then retest, until you find the tactics that affect your click-through rate positively.
Still, on how to convert social media followers into customers, other social media conversion tips that you’d find useful include:
A typical digital marketing campaign is to convert visitors to leads, leads to loyal followers, and followers to buying customers. Hence, if you intend to turn followers into loyal customers, your main focus should be “conversion.”
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