Top 4 Digital Marketing Trends for 2020

Digital Marketing Trends are the talk of the town as we kicked into 2020. Everyone is concern about what is the Big Thing coming towards us. Every digital marketer wants to know about that stuff and for that, they have already read a gazillion blogs or heard the podcasts. To cater to your anticipation, we have some interesting insights coming up for you that will inform you that the new trends are really not the usual ones.

List of Digital Marketing Trends for 2020

Here is the list of those unexpected digital marketing trends that you need to be focused on:

Smart Voice Search

You might be wondering about it being a regular search option for you that you perform every day. But for your info, wherein 2020, almost half of the sales will be done via voice search. There are going to be voice optimized branding that will actually convert search into the sale. The user-friendly products like can work with Google and Alexa easily. The good thing about this optimization is that the device makes a record of continuous activity and pre-orders it as you recall it.

Work on Branding

The thing that will distinguish you from the others in 2020 will be your Brand! If you are a digital marketer and seriously pursue it, then you need to create what it calls a brand. You need to develop something that will give you an identity and people will attract you.

Move Beyond Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the only tool that we all mostly are aware of, no? We all tap it to find out our online progress every minute. However, nothing changes much. With all the analytics at a single place, the user can make better decisions as compared to the scattered ones. There are new products like Amplitude or Data Studio have been introduced that could gather all of your web and mobile data at a place. These products make it easier for you to monitor your progress and work accordingly.

Email Marketing is not dead

Although email marketing is there for a long time, it is still there and made to the top 6 digital marketing trends as well. Users or consumers hardly click on them, but it does not mean that marketers will stop reaching out to them. Companies need to be in touch with the users and chatbot will be helping them. It is recommended to opt for them now instead of later.

In the above I have briefly explained that what are the top 4 digital marketing trends that might assist you in transforming your online face in 2020.

Why is content marketing important for your business?

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