In today’s world, digital marketing is crucial for your
business. So, if you’re looking to hire a digital marketing agency, you need to
know what questions to ask. Otherwise, like talking to a used car salesman
without preparing yourself, you could get taken for a ride (I’m not even
So, here are 9 questions to ask a potential digital marketing agency.
What Experience Do You Have in My Market?
Arguably one of the most important questions, ask if the
agency has any experience working in your industry.
It’s not the worst thing in the world if the answer is no. But, if it’s your first time using a digital marketing agency, you may prefer to go for one that does have experience. Therefore, we recommend putting this question high up your list.
How Will You Help My Business Stand Out?
A fairly simple question, but an important one.
You’ll want to ensure that, whichever agency you pick, they care about what they do. If they do, it’ll help benefit your business as a result.
How Do You Keep up to Date?
In the world of digital marketing, you cannot afford to be lackadaisical.
Failing to stay up to date means the agency will soon begin to lose out.
So, be sure to ask every digital marketing agency this question. If they’re unsure or don’t know how to answer your question, perhaps it’s time to call another agency…
What Can You Offer Me That Your Competitors Can’t?
Digital marketing is a highly competitive market, with
agencies constantly trying to outdo each other.
So, be blunt. Ask your agency what they can offer you that
another can’t. If you’ve been offered something different or better from
another agency, tell them. There’s no harm in trying to get a better deal for
yourself. After all, you’ve got to have your business’ best interests in mind.
This is the sort of question that will make or break your decision with an agency. If they can’t offer you something better or unique to benefit your business, you can cross them off the list.
What Makes Your Business Different?
Similar to the previous question, this is a chance for you
to see how much the representative cares about the agency they work for. If
they don’t care enough about their business, how will they care about yours?
Simply put, if they don’t know or can’t answer, it’s on to the next agency.
How Will You Improve My SEO?
Of course, one of the main boasts of a digital marketing
agency is the ability to improve your SEO. But, ask each agency how exactly
they will do this.
Asking this question will improve your position for several reasons. Firstly, using the correct terminology shows that you’re not a complete novice to digital marketing. This shows the agency that you’re to be taken seriously. If you’re unsure what SEO is, click here.
Secondly, it will give you a clearer idea of how each agency works. If they give you generic answers, expect generic work. This will separate the best from the rest. To quiz them deeper about their understanding, click here to learn more about SEO techniques.
What Do You Need from Me?
Throw this one into the mixer, ask each agency what you can
do to help improve results.
Ultimately, there’s a right and wrong answer to this
question. The wrong answer is “nothing”. The right answer something along the
lines of letting the agency know everything about your business.
For a digital marketing agency to fully succeed, they need to know as much as they can about your business. Your target audience, your expectations, goals, etc. With this knowledge, they can shape the marketing strategy to achieve these goals. If they don’t ask for any of this information, we recommend you move on to the next agency.
What Types of Content Do You Create?
Content creation is hugely important in the digital age. So,
be sure whichever agency you choose offers a range.
Content creation can vary from blogs and guides to infographics and videos. The more the digital marketing agency offers, the better off your business could be. As all of these help with your business’ online presence.
What Social Media Platforms Can You Work With?
This is one that hopefully you shouldn’t have to ask, but
definitely should if it’s not mentioned.
With the juggernaut that social media is nowadays, it’s crucial any pages your business has are optimised. If they’re not, your business is potentially missing out on huge amounts of exposure and sales. So, if the digital marketing agency doesn’t offer just one of the big 4 (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn), then thank them for their time.
These are just a few questions that you should ask each digital marketing agency you’re considering using. However, there are plenty more you can ask. For advice, or to speak to us about what our agency can offer your business, click here.