We’re sure you, like us, have a few ‘go-to’ tools that help you with your day to day activities. Maybe it’s a favourite scheduling tool or software for creating content. But in this blog post we thought we’d share with you some of the Google Chrome Extensions we use on a regular basis.
There are literally thousands of Chrome Extensions you can add to your Google Chrome browser. They’re programs that help with the functionality of your every day actions. And you can pin the ones you use the most to your browser, meaning they’ll be visible to the right of the search bar.
To see what’s available, simply search ‘Google Chrome Extensions’ which will take you to the Chrome Web Store. In here you can search by Categories or ‘just Search the store’.
So here’s a few of our favourites:-
Buffer – A social media scheduling tool and this is just a quick and easy way to get to it and post / schedule a link from your browser onto social media.
WhatFont – This is the easiest way to find out what fonts are used on a webpage. Just hover over the text and it should show you the font or fonts being used.
Eye Dropper – Allows you to see the colours being used on a website. It will show you the hex code, HSL & RGB codes for the colour you’ve selected on a website.
Loom – A quick and easy way to screen record something. We might use it to demonstrate how to do something rather than trying to explain in an email or over the phone.
Toggl – Track the time you spend on projects and clients to help you be more efficient with your valuable time both at work and in your personal life!
Grammarly – If grammar is not your strong point. Grammarly will help to formulate sentences and highlight those errors in your spelling.
LastPass – a fab extension for all your passwords to be held in one place. Meaning you only really need to remember one password to access all the passwords you might have.
Facebook Pixel Helper – Ideal for checking if a website is tracking viewers (and possibly targeting / retargeting viewers in Facebook Ads). You can see if any website has installed a pixel code, not just your own.
So what would you add to the list? What are some of the Chrome Extensions you’ve grown to love and couldn’t be without?
The post Top Chrome Extensions for Social Media & Digital Marketing appeared first on Social Progress.
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