Top Digital Marketing Tips for a Business Launch

A business launch is an exciting time and it is a golden opportunity to arrive with a bang! Whether a retail store, a service provider or a manufacturer, you will need a well-thought-out digital marketing plan that is ready to be implemented a week before the grand opening. Here are a few digital marketing tips to help your launch be successful. Social media posts – You should already have developed business pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram prior to the launch; this is something a local SEO agency can handle; for the best in Canada contact King Kong , an agency that has a unique approach and boy do they deliver! Post daily and prepare the local community for your grand opening. Connect with a top-rated SEO agency – Search engine optimisation is the art of making a website visible to Google’s search engine. Ideally, you want your URL to be in the first 10 search results when the right keywords are used. The agency tracks all web traffic in real-time when implementing SEO and they are able to tweak ads and other content to get more traffic. Live events – Of course, it does depend on the nature of the business; certainly a retail store demands a grand opening, while a restaurant can have a special intro night, with everything half-price. If the business is tech, then you need some specialist marketing; talk to an agency and they can help you identify target groups and find ways to reach them. Samples/discounts – If you sell products, give some away at the grand opening; the best way to get someone to try your product is to give it for free. A service can be heavily discounted as an introduction; be prepared to invest considerably in promotional gifts and discounts. Assuming you have a comprehensive business plan, your digital marketing partner can compile a winning marketing plan that can be integrated into the main plan. There might be aspects of the launch that you had not considered, such as livestreaming on your Facebook page; talk to a top SEO agency and they can make the most out of the event. If you have done your homework, the launch will be a spectacular success and the business will enjoy steady growth.

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