Top Real Estate Digital Marketing Strategies for Success

Top Real Estate Digital Marketing Strategies for Success

Top Real Estate Digital Marketing Strategies for Success Top Real Estate Digital Marketing Strategies for Success While real estate agents remain pivotal in the property-buying process, it’s clear that many buyers across the globe are carrying out their own extensive online research before seeking professional guidance. According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, a staggering 98% of buyers start the house-hunting journey online. This emphasises just how important it is for real estate agents to have an active online presence. But if your agency fails to engage, interact and network online, you’re forfeiting valuable business opportunities. Are you a Swiss real estate agency aiming to excel in the real estate marketing arena? Here are our top suggestions to successfully optimise your real estate marketing website:  1. Craft an impressive homepage   1. Craft an impressive homepage

Homepages act as a ‘shop window’ and are designed to attract visitors and fulfil your company’s objectives. In fact, first impressions of websites are 94% design-related , meaning that your business’ credibility could hinge on the quality of your homepage. First impressions matter, so your homepage should feature: A responsive design Your company’s logo Vibrant images Clear calls-to-action Intuitive navigation Contact information Social proof 2. Ensure the rest of your site is top notch  2. Ensure the rest of your site is top notch

Research from Stanford University shows that 75% of people judge the credibility of a business based on its website design . Therefore, having a high-quality website is indispensable, and its quality should not be compromised. It should be: Responsive  Implement a responsive design that automatically adjusts based on the specific device the user is on. Quick to load  Ensure pages load quickly to augment the overall user experience. If your pages are slow to load, you run the risk of experiencing higher bounce rates. User-friendly  Keep your site clean and easy to navigate through so that users can access the information they need quickly and easily. Mobile-optimised  Ensure that content, images and videos are properly displayed and easy to read/access on smaller devices. 3. Develop compelling property listings 3. Develop compelling property listings

Modern consumers prefer to conduct extensive research online when making major purchases like homes, looking into various factors such as the location on Google Maps, the businesses that are within walking distance, and local hotspots. Your property pages should provide comprehensive information including detailed descriptions, high-quality photos and easy access to location information. Don’t forget to include unique details (like the closest bus stop or nearest Starbucks!) as well as their respective walking distances. 4. Invest in professional photography 4. Invest in professional photography

Stunning visuals are paramount in capturing the attention of potential buyers. Hiring a professional photographer who is experienced in architectural photography can make a substantial difference in showcasing your properties effectively. Alternatively, invest in your own state-of-the-art equipment and get snapping yourself – just be sure to focus on lighting and angles, as these can make a huge difference. 5. Create lead magnets 5. Create lead magnets

To generate leads, offer valuable resources such as e-books or guides that are worth exchanging for contact information. Consider producing a lead magnet guide on topics such as “Common mistakes new homeowners make” or “Essential features to look for in a new home”.  6. Prioritise user experience (UX) 6. Prioritise user experience (UX)

Good UX design ensures a seamless and intuitive web browsing experience, and is essential for retaining visitors and encouraging exploration. Invest time in enhancing UX design and information architecture to ensure seamless navigation. If you don’t, you run the risk of confusing and frustrating visitors, and losing them to your competitors. 7. Implement the latest SEO strategies  7. Implement the latest SEO strategies

In Switzerland, SEO has become incredibly important for businesses . The country boasts high digitalisation rates, with over 95% of the population having access to the internet. As such, effective search engine optimization (SEO) practices are crucial for improving your website’s visibility and rankings in search engine results. This includes: ·         On-page SEO  Be sure to integrate local-oriented keywords into your content to ensure that potential buyers searching online for homes in your area can easily find you. Integrate those keywords into each page, including the title, the main body copy, the metadata, alt text and image files.  ·         Off-page SEO  Collaborate with other websites to exchange links. Other off-page SEO elements include: Social media Brand mentions Ratings and reviews management Influencer Guest blogging ·         Technical SEO optimizations  Make sure your website is quick to load, secure and responsive. Other important technical SEO elements include crawling, indexing, rendering and website architecture. 8. Incorporate local ‘flavour’ into your website 8. Incorporate local ‘flavour’ into your website

When marketing a property, you’re not just presenting a house; you’re showcasing an entire community.  Switzerland is renowned for its natural beauty and famous landmarks. Highlight the charm of the specific region you are showcasing by featuring high-quality photographs of local landmarks and familiar sights. In addition, write content that evokes emotions , such as “Imagine living your dream every single day,” to resonate with your audience on a deeper level. Highlight a unique, compelling feature of the property to really draw in audience interest. 9. Get testimonials 9. Get testimonials

Request testimonials from satisfied clients. Testimonials are great for building trust and credibility , as they show that real, satisfied customers are endorsing your services. When you’ve successfully secured a sale, ask the client for a testimonial. If possible, try and get a picture of them too. Share them strategically on your website and social media platforms to raise awareness about your business. 10. Host webinars  10. Host webinars

Looking to take your marketing to the next level? Organise informative webinars to generate attention for your company. Consider topics such as “Important Things to Look For In A New Home” to engage potential clients. Also, try to include a Q&A at the end. Webinars are amazing in that they can be watched back by audiences at any time, and repurposed into other forms of content, including YouTube videos, which can also be embedded onto your website.  11. Offer Virtual Tours  11. Offer Virtual Tours

Provide comprehensive virtual tours to give potential buyers an accurate preview of properties. To go one step further, consider using virtual reality tours to bring your properties to life. This is a revolutionary way to expand reach, improve accessibility and streamline the buying and selling process. 12. Perform a competitive analysis 12. Perform a competitive analysis

What are other real estate agencies in the area up to? Monitor competitors’ activities to identify effective strategies and avoid common pitfalls . Check out their websites and social media platforms to see what’s working – and what’s not!  13. Utilise scheduling apps  13. Utilise scheduling apps

Got a busy team? Streamline appointment scheduling with shared apps to facilitate coordination efforts. This is a superb way to cut back on the never-ending back-and-forth exchange of timeslots.  14. Perform benchmark analyses  14. Perform benchmark analyses

Evaluate advertising performance against industry benchmarks to optimise campaigns and investment. 15. Maintain positive client relationships  15. Maintain positive client relationships

Stay connected with past clients through personalised gestures like anniversary and holiday cards to encourage referrals. This helps to build and maintain good relations, and is the perfect way to encourage word of mouth recommendations! 16. Implement referral programmes  16. Implement referral programmes

Incentivise past clients to refer prospective homebuyers through referral programmes. 17. Consider animated videos  17. Consider animated videos

Consider commissioning animated videos to add personality to your brand. Ensure they’re of the highest quality, and consider incorporating local landmarks for a targeted and hyper-unique approach. Real estate marketing strategies for social media  Real estate marketing strategies for social media

Social media is a powerful tool for marketing your real estate business.  Here are some effective ideas for utilising these channels to promote your services: ·         Leverage social media Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram are among the most popular social media platforms for real estate marketing. Ensure that you complete all profile fields when setting up your accounts, and remain active on the accounts to maximise visibility to relevant users. Try to infuse your social media copy with a playful tone to captivate your audience. ·         Utilise relevant hashtags  Incorporate a mix of local, topical and popular hashtags in your social media posts to enhance discoverability by your target audience. Examples include #[city]realestate, #realestatetips and #realtorsofinstagram. ·         Provide value  Harness the power of social media to engage with your audience and foster relationships. Consider live home tours and Q&A sessions on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram, as well as sharing bite-sized real estate tips and relevant news. Posting new listings and joining pertinent Facebook and LinkedIn groups can also bolster your presence.  ·         Integrate social share buttons  Make it effortless for property buyers to share their favourite listings by incorporating social share buttons on your property pages. This encourages them to spread the word among their friends, family and associates. ·         Implement social media ads  While regular Facebook marketing is valuable for cultivating client relationships, paid ads offer unparalleled targeting capabilities. Tailor your ads to specific demographics or interests, such as targeting single thirty-somethings who work from home and high-net-worth businesspeople searching for luxury condos. ·         Utilise Pinterest boards  Pinterest remains a relevant platform for real estate marketing. Create boards dedicated to specific listings, showcasing property photos and highlighting area features and benefits to capture potential buyers’ attention. Optimise email marketing  Optimise email marketing

Email Marketing Tips  Email Marketing Tips

Email marketing remains a highly effective strategy for engaging with clients and prospects at every stage of the buying process. Here are some impactful ideas for your real estate email marketing efforts:  ·         Create a newsletter  Collect email signups through your website and events, and distribute informative newsletters featuring new listings, upcoming seminars, local events, and valuable tips. Segment your email lists based on different communities to deliver hyper-relevant content. ·         Launch an email nurture campaign  Nurture campaigns serve as guided pathways for clients to find their dream home. Tailor your interactions based on their previous actions, such as attending open houses or seminars, and provide them with valuable resources like e-books or guides to assist them in their home buying journey. Encourage progression by offering content that aligns with their specific needs and interests. To thrive in today’s competitive landscape, employ a blend of innovative online and offline marketing strategies to leave a lasting impression on potential clients. In a competitive market, combining online and offline marketing tactics is essential for standing out and establishing your presence as a trusted real estate professional. By implementing these practical and innovative marketing ideas, you can effectively differentiate yourself and thrive in the dynamic real estate industry. Looking for compelling real estate marketing strategies to take your business to the next level? Look no further than EWM. EWM is a leading digital marketing agency with an in-depth understanding of the dynamic digital landscape. We craft tailored strategies designed to amplify your brand presence and drive conversions. At EWM, our team possesses a wealth of expertise in leveraging cutting-edge digital tools and platforms to target your ideal clientele effectively. We combine creativity with data-driven insights to deploy compelling campaigns that resonate with your audience. Our unwavering commitment to excellence ensures that your real estate agency receives personalised attention and strategic guidance every step of the way, fostering sustained growth and prominence in the competitive market. Trust EWM to be your strategic partner in realising your real estate digital marketing ambitions. Contact our team of experts today for a consultation.

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